
digibutter.nerr lite

I like peanuts XD


Well okay then peanuts are nice and aren't actually nuts and elementary schools have a conspiracy about them : )

I dislike peanuts in general but will eat them if they are in peanut brittle or something of the sort (actually I’d probably eat around them unless I were starving). I absolutely DESPISE peanut butter though! Even the smell irks me!

reply to TheEvilShadoo

I hate them too horay someone agrees with me

reply to Lord Blumiere

I like peanut butter

reply to Greenisthebettercolor

Yay, a fellow peanut hater

reply to KarToon 2

How disgusting.

reply to Greenisthebettercolor

Oh no! You're with the elementary schools, aren't you? What is this, some kind of anti-peanut cult?

reply to Dimentio21

no I just don't like peanut butter that's all

We’re completely normal peeps. Peanut butter is just... really bad. Peanuts are kind of ok I guess but still not really. Respect the elementary schools

reply to TheEvilShadoo

some elementary schools are good but the one I went to is bad the preschoolers are not allowed to play tag and are not allowed to run its dumb

reply to Greenisthebettercolor

Dang, that sucks. Mine was separate from preschool, but I never went to preschool. I liked my elementary school a lot. It was definitely sooo much better than where I am now. Yeah, we weren’t allowed to play tag at recess either but kids found ways around that.

reply to TheEvilShadoo

I once got sent to the principal's office for drawing a picture of the scene where Kylo Renn kills Han Solo from Star Wars Ep: 7 and faced suspension. Good times.

reply to Greenisthebettercolor

My elementary school treated people in grade 6 like they were in kindergarten. They started a new program when I was in about grade 3 and from that point forward, it sucked. Middle school is actually going by really fast compared to elementary... Also I like peanut butter for some reason, but I'm weird, so...

reply to Kaz_of_kazoos

the gym teacher was giving out leftover Halloween candy to us in archery class when we got a good score, so the school is rewarding students for being good at using weapons...

reply to Dimentio21

its fine if you like peanut butter its not like I dislike you or anything

reply to Lord Blumiere

u cheeky cunt

reply to Greenisthebettercolor


reply to Dimentio21

Hmm... Just realised that digibutter could be a peanut butter alternative. Want a digi butter sandwich?

reply to Dimentio21

I feel bad for the people who don't have a high enough IQ to understand why Peanut Butter is delicious.

reply to FishyG

I know, right? Reason for low IQ - Conspiracy theory: The government is using school to make people think they're learning when in reality it is just feeding you useless information so that you are stupid and easy to control. That's why I like messing with the system so much. How do you mess with the system, you ask? Do exactly what the teachers want to get on their good side, that way you can get away with almost anything.

hey, I resemble that

reply to Greenisthebettercolor

your profile pic doesn't resemble much, tho