
digibutter.nerr lite

Quite frankly, I'm disappointed with our current leadership and as such will be attempting a coup d'etat.


https://imgur.com/a/KM94mxl Dang, security. I guess I'll need backup first.

reply to ucantbeme

The security just barks at you just side step em theyll get confused. The only REAL complication here is getting a totally-hot-babe.

reply to ucantbeme

Hold on... I completely forgot that I'm the president... You can be the Secretary of Digiland Security if you want.

reply to TheEvilShadoo

too bad coup time

reply to ucantbeme

This Prez is in another castle/fort

reply to TheEvilShadoo

Can I get a job as "Totally untrustworthy field agent of Nerr"?

reply to ucantbeme

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ENVeWxIWwAY5EfW?format=jpg&name=medium Kay started epic draft you're all in I don't make the rules baby

reply to ucantbeme

currently attempting a underwater approach through the sewer system, would not recommend