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The Super Mario Bros. Movie... Who's seen it? And who regrets everything after seeing it?


I remember watching it like 6 times as a kid cause I thought it was cool. Now knowing Bob Hoskins took shots of whiskey between takes and that its a terrible movie I dont like it anymore. But nostalgia can get me to rewatch it eventually ;) Other than that. the real life incarnations of everything (except the bomb-omb) SUCKED ASS.

reply to FishyG

I said the same thing! The Bob-Omb was pretty OK but the rest was terrible. I only watched, like, 20 times or something before I had to return the DVD. We rented it. I thought it was OK, overlooking how awful the thing was. WHY DO GOOMBAS PLAY THE HARMONICA???

reply to Mr. L Productions

I can safely say that I’m too young for that sh!t.

reply to TheEvilShadoo

Same. But I've seen it. It's so bad but some people love it even though its bad!

reply to Mr. L Productions

You see, this is why we need a Super Paper Mario movie. Maybe if the director has an actual story to work with the product will actually have value.

reply to Dimentio21

They had talked about doing a SPM movie! I so wish they had, but it's lost in the past now... We need someone to make SPM into a movie and give us what we dreamed for. We need a prophesised hero to restore order to the world and give us this movie to stop the Dark Prognosticus from destroying cinema... Who will save us from memories of the old Super Mario Bros. Movie?

reply to Mr. L Productions

I saw it many years ago. The Goombas... Thats all I'll say...

reply to kimilsung65

lol yeah. The Goombas… enough said... Goombas + Harmonicas = ???