
digibutter.nerr lite

I didn't know you guys were still alive. I'm 15 years older now, got new interests, different communities I hang around, new friends, lots of new things. Still think about those days back then as a young teen I spent around here though. It was an early part in my life of me learning to deal with other people socially, make friends, be part of a community for the first time. Did some stupid things like any kid, but lots of good times back then too. Can't really come back now, but I thought I'd mention I'm still kicking and hanging in there despite all the stuff that's happened in my life. Take it easy.


oh sweet, an ancient nerr

Best wishes, oh ancient nerr. Thanks for returning one last time. Generations pass on, but digibutter is eternal!

Good luck man! Haha cave story fish

reply to Sexx(Iest) Trick(Iest)

chin fish/egg fish

reply to ambient

Egg fish don't got nothing on Captain (O.G.) Gills https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/nintendo/images/2/24/CaptainGills.png/revision/latest?cb=20190830192522&path-prefix=en

reply to Logan

Oh hey, a name I recognise! Good to hear from you; there's a few of us still around in various places