I haven't made a proper announcement for this yet, so here goes: quf: NerrBot ReHatched v1.5.0 - Pirates and Posters As the title suggests, this (maybe final for real this time) update brings two new features: 1. !rh piratefilter: NerrBot replies with a one time use embed where upon clicking the show embed button, NerrBot will attempt to run the Talk Like a Pirate Day filter on the site every three seconds. 2. PotW, PotM, and PotY: At the end of each week, month, and year, NerrBot will make a post indicating the poster of the week, month, or year, respectively. 3. NerrBot no longer replies to anons or includes them in Pot(W|M|Y) and instead replies with a funny message. Exceptions to this may be made in the future since user registration is still disabled.
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