
digibutter.nerr lite

quf: Poster of the Week - January 7, 2024 6 users have made a total of 34 posts this week. color=gold: 1. Herr Yomiel: 11 color=silver: 2. TheEvilShadoo: 9 color=bronze: 3. ambient: 6 4: Dimentio21: 4 5: NerrBot: ReHatched: 3 6: Copy Seth: 1 color=red: Additionally, **TheEvilShadoo** received the most likes this week with a total of 1 likes.


i'm dry on things to post right now

This is the time of year when digi generally dries up again. There’s not a ton to post about.


reply to Herr Yomiel

Nuh uh

reply to TheEvilShadoo

Yuh huh