Torchlight XBLA review: All the loot, half the noise
Posted by Joystiq Mar 09 2011 14:45 GMT in Torchlight
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There's a large room up ahead. It's an uncharted space on the dungeon map and thus assuredly filled with very large, very nasty monsters. The room, unfortunately, is the only way forward. Physically weak and wielding only a bow, I'll need distraction and distance to survive.

First things first, I lob a couple of shock traps through the door to deal some consistent damage. Then I summon up a pack of skeletons to keep the heat off of me. I rush in, use my Hamstring ability to weaken enemies, unleash a few exploding arrows for crowd control, swallow a health potion, fling some needles into the closest group of baddies and, finally, rush back out. What monsters remain are left to either be electrocuted or bleed to death.

As cool as all that sounds, the most amazing part is that I did it all without a keyboard and mouse.

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