Machinarium headed to PS3 and undecided tablets this year
Posted by Joystiq Mar 28 2011 15:00 GMT in Machinarium
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Developer Amanita Design seems to have its hands full, with a sequel to its adventure game Samorost and two other projects in progress. According to statements from founder Jakub Dvorsky at GameCityNights, the developer is still making time to get Machinarium onto PSN and as-yet-undecided tablets this year. Amanita publicly turned its attention to PS3 last year after Microsoft passed on the point-and-click adventure. There was no word on the previously announced WiiWare version.

Though the iPad seems like the obvious choice of tablet, reports that Amanita is instead "exploring" the Blackberry Playbook, which will be released in North America next month. If only we were privy to an animated thought bubble explaining the process behind that decision.

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