The Unbetafication Of Spiral Knights
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 05 2011 08:10 GMT in Spiral Knights
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SEGA’s free browser RPG Spiral Knights drew gentle approval from the Quintin-creature last month, but at that point it was stranded in the twilight limbo-world of beta status. That has changed. Its shackles are gone. Anyone may now play it, and play it now. Hooray for playing things. I’ve just had a quick fiddle with it, and endorse the sentiment that it’s a pretty slick and charming affair, although the super-derformed hyper-cute style isn’t especially to my tastes in this context. Still – swords and guns.

The game works best when played as a co-op baby-MMO – thus I’d advise anyone interested in embarking upon this heads to our forum and sets up a buddy-search. I’ll stick the post to the front if there’s sufficient interest. So go, be sufficiently interested.

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