Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning trailer is our fantasy RPG fantasy
Posted by Joystiq Jun 07 2011 00:00 GMT in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
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We're not sure exactly what you might want from a fantasy RPG/action game, but darned if this trailer for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning doesn't appear to have it all. A gorgeous fantasy world with ancient ruins and lush magical towns? Check. Freaky-looking monsters roaring with fervent anger? Check again. And over-the-top flashy spells and sorcery-augmented melee moves? That's a third check right there.

Sure, we still haven't actually laid hands on this one, and we won't get to play it until we see it on the E3 show floor later on this week. But if nothing else, that's a quality good old-fashioned fantasy game trailer after the break there.

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