E3 2011 Secret Diary: Monday
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 07 2011 17:56 GMT in E3 2011
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Tuesday 7th June, 11am:

So Monday contained the first proper bit of E3ing – the EA conference. This took place in a theatre in central LA, with quite the embarrassing typo on the outside. They’ve called it a “theater”! Everyone seemed too polite to point it out, so I didn’t say anything.

So 800,000 games journalists crammed themselves in and everyone attempted to set up their wifi/3G/4G connection at once, causing a crack to open up in the sky and purple light to rain down, killing at least a third of the attendees. Which was a relief, as it meant I was able to get a fraction of a connection in order to be able to liveblog the events.


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