PlayStation Move Ape Escape Hits PSN on July 5th, Demo on June 28th
Posted by PlayStation Blog Jun 23 2011 16:00 GMT in PlayStation Move
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You may have seen that PlayStation Move Ape Escape launches today in Europe. We’re excited to announce that we’ll be bringing all of the monkey-capturing mayhem to the US soon! On June 28th, you will be able to download a demo of the game on the PlayStation Store.


In PlayStation Move Ape Escape, you’ll be tasked with fending off a monkey invasion after a UFO crash-lands into your house. This latest installment takes the fan-favorite franchise to the next level by allowing you to use the PlayStation Move motion controller to wield a variety of gadgets while capturing the mischievous monkey invaders.

If you cannot wait till June 28th to experience the mayhem, get the PlayStation Move Ape Escape Dynamic Theme today! We’ve just released the Dynamic Theme of the title for $2.99. As you can see from the embedded video, those mischief-making monkeys are set to take over your PS3 with this exclusive dynamic theme!

Check out the demo next Tuesday and be sure to download the full game via PlayStation Network, when it launches in the U.S. on July 5th.

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