Make It Stop: BioWare NWN Forums Hacked
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 24 2011 09:18 GMT in Dragon Age 2
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This is a depressing year to be on the internet. And a doubly-depressing one to be a newswriter on the internet. The latest (but, let’s not bloody kid ourselves, not last) game company to suffer the peculiar ire/amusement of hackers is Bioware. Fortunately, only a very specific bit of Bioware, so don’t panic too much. Some manner of hacker(s) have gone after their 10-year-old Neverwinter Nights forum – you might think that’s no big deal, but if you used to play NwN you might well have left passwords, email addresses, phone numbers or CD keys in the information these imps have made off with. Credit card details are apparently safe, however. Full Bioware statement below.

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