Ace Combat: Assault Horizon review: Old dogfight, new tricks
Posted by Joystiq Oct 11 2011 14:15 GMT in Ace Combat Assault Horizon
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If you're not a devotee of the franchise, I'd forgive you for not keeping track of Ace Combat: Assault Horizon.

Not only are there a lot of games in this series, but "Assault Horizon" has to be the most forgettable subtitle since ... well, we can't remember, naturally. (Seriously, guys, you once subtitled a game "Electrosphere." How you've fallen!)

I was just like you, dear reader. I barely realized the thing existed until my lousy brother/reviews editor conned me into playing it. Heck, I'm not even a huge fan of flight games, generally speaking. I make these revelations in the hopes that you'll believe me when I say this next bit.

You have to play this game.

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