Capcom - Resident Evil 4 was a different type of horror, not ready to talk RE6
Posted by GoNintendo Nov 01 2011 19:31 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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The following comments come from Capcom's Tsukasa Takenaka, assistant producer...

"I don't think 4 and 5 are not horror games. What we were trying to do with those games is explore different kinds of horror. For instance, Resident Evil 4 is not about zombies. It's about the Ganados speaking in human words and coming at you with weapons. That's a different kind of horrific thing than zombies. It's not so much that we were going away from horror and towards action. It's more that we were trying to do different kinds of scary experiences. That's maybe something that's got a little confused in terms of the messaging."

It's unclear what direction Resident Evil 6 is going to take as of right now. When Takenaka was asked about RE6, he responded with, "I don't know. What's Resident Evil 6?"

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