Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - latest Wii patch details
Posted by GoNintendo Nov 20 2011 19:27 GMT in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
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Hello MW3 Wii Community,

We are listening to you and are working on updates to the game based on your feedback. Today we have posted an update that should address the two most reported issues reported by the community:

Players are experiencing an issue commonly referred to as “lag shooting” where network lag will cause the player to have difficulty hitting an opponent.
Several players have reported their save data getting corrupted when the game freezes.

You must have a Wii Shop Channel account in order to download certain updates. Visit Accessing the Wii Shop Channel for information on the Wii Shop Channel.

The game will prompt you to download the update when you start Multiplayer once it is available. If you are already running the game at this time, switch to Single Player and restart Multiplayer to get it. The update cannot be downloaded from Spec Ops, and you will be prompted to switch over to Multiplayer in order to access it.

Please continue to check the forums for updates. Any further issues identified for fixing will be updated to this space in the future.

In the meantime, thank you for your playing and thank you for your patience.


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