Did you know that you can download handheld games now? That's amazingly convenient! The only inconvenient part of it is finding the right games to buy -- and that's where we come in, with our Portabliss column. In each installment, we'll tell you about a downloadable game on the iPhone, iPad, Android device, DSi, 3DS, PSP, etc. Today: Assassin's Creed Recollection.
The level of synergy achieved by the Assassin's Creed franchise is pretty impressive. If you can think of it, odds are it's out there: books, comics, animated shorts and now, a TCG.
Assassin's Creed Recollection is mostly a real-time trading card game that pits two players against each other as they vie to control territory in various cities and towns across Europe. But what separates Recollection from something like Magic: The Gathering is the real-time clock that's always ticking down.
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