VVVVVV dev releases cerebral, really local-multiplayer title, At a Distance
Posted by Joystiq Dec 10 2011 21:30 GMT in VVVVVV
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Terry Cavanagh, developer of indie frustration machine VVVVVV, has released a new game that encourages intense, quasi-telepathic local multiplayer, titled At a Distance. The game is available for download on Windows and Mac for free, but make sure to read the installation instructions before diving into this one. First, you'll need a friend. Second, you'll need half a brain. We know these may be difficult to come by, but maybe try reversing the order and see what happens. We believe in you.

At a Distance was developed for NYU Game Center's 2011 No Quarter Exhibition and is meant to be played on two computers side-by-side -- each screen runs its own unique game with no instructions on how to explore the neon, geometric world, but apparently the two players come together brilliantly in the game and in real life. This sounds like the beginning of something beautiful.

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