Take a tour of Platinum Games' new office space
Posted by Joystiq Jan 10 2012 10:30 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Rising
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Platinum Games, the wordsmiths behind Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and Bayonetta, moved its offices down one entire floor in Japan's Umeda Sky Building, from the ninth to the eighth, and took the opportunity to remodel its layout. The new Platinum offices have color-coded conference rooms. Personally, we like the vibe in the Red Room, probably because we can picture ourselves sitting across from Don Draper, drinking scotch on the rocks while our children grow up without us.

The move keeps Platinum's open-floor layout, a library with reference books on cats and a stunning view of downtown Osaka. We'll see how the new office works out for Platinum with the release of Revengeance, supposedly some time this year. Check out the new digs on the Platinum Games blog.

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