I had a dream about Digibutter last night.
Posted by Gold Prognosticus Feb 15 2012 10:15 GMT in Gold Prognosticus
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One of the mods reopened Off Topic on Old Digi and hundreds of users flooded into it. The level of spam was impressive.


Reply by MM Feb 15 2012 11:42 GMT
thats nice dear
Reply by Fallen Shade Feb 15 2012 20:26 GMT
It is a prophesy.
Reply by DarkBlueAce Feb 15 2012 21:13 GMT
you dream about a forum?
You must have a pretty sad life...
Reply by Super-Claus Feb 15 2012 21:56 GMT
cool story bro
Reply by Tails Doll Feb 15 2012 21:56 GMT

I've actually had several Digi dreams in the past:

  • Dream #1
  • Dream #2
  • Dreams #3 and #4
  • (I'm sure there was another one but I can't find the topic for it. It involved a bunch of Digibutter members on a ski slope)

Make of this what you will, though I notice through searching on Old Digi that a lot of other members have had Digibutter dreams too.

Reply by Gold Prognosticus Feb 16 2012 20:54 GMT
i once had a dream about chicken and freedom for black people but im not going to share it because nobody gives a shit.
Reply by Tails Doll Feb 16 2012 22:21 GMT
Man you guys have shit dreams. I always dream about shit like fighting giant fractal dragons, sex with mermaids in antarctica, wandering through alien worlds while naked, riding vacuum cleaners through flowery fields, etc
Reply by MM Feb 17 2012 00:22 GMT
you sure thats not a drug trip
Reply by Super-Claus Feb 17 2012 00:38 GMT
Dreams and simply natural trips you undergo while unconscious.
Reply by MM Feb 17 2012 03:41 GMT
man why do you guys get all the cool dreams
the last dream i had involved someone stealing my root beer, accidentally upsetting a dear friend, and suddenly spiders everywhere
Reply by Viddd Feb 17 2012 04:37 GMT
My last dream I was in some haunted apartments, but this guy came and proved how it wasn't haunted. Then he disappeared as I turn my back for a second so I guess it was haunted. I proceeded to dream about several other things with the idea in the back of my head that the apartments really are haunted.
Reply by DarkBlueAce Feb 17 2012 07:48 GMT
I had a dream where I put on some pants and then I was the pants
Reply by Super-Claus Feb 17 2012 20:07 GMT
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