Modern Warfare 3 Has A Free Weekend Drop Incoming
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 17 2012 10:05 GMT in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
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Did you know that 90% of all gaming videos on Yourfaceinatube are Modern Warfare related? And that 99.99% one of them has music that’s been recorded in a scrapyard crushing machine? I believe there’s an option labelled “scrrrrrawwwwwwewrarrr” during upload that adds it. In addition, every video must have at least two labels, pointing to various other videos that benefit you, the viewer, and for no other reason. There’s an exciting world of video-making that I’m just not a part of. If you’d like to get some of that action, but don’t own the game, Modern Warfare 3 is to free play now and all weekend on Steam. If you start downloading now, you can spend the evening Warfareing Modernly 3ish, like the chaps in the video below.(more…)

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