Orcward Manoeuvres In Death: Orcs Must Die! 2
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 02 2012 14:00 GMT in Orcs Must Die
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Orcs Must Die, Shoot Many Robots, Kill All Zombies… A trend emerges, and I’m not entirely sure I’m down with so many prosaic game titles. Especially when they’re all so violent. Can’t we have Hug Many Cats, Cake Must Be Eaten, Visit All Museums?

Until then, we shall make do with Orcs Must Die! 2, which will slaughter its way towards our PC’s hard drives this Summer. It brings in a c-op mode, introducing a lady partner for the returning, possibly Evil Dead-inspired War Mage hero. She’s apparently ‘more nuanced’, using stuff like mind control rather than the bloke’s straight-up genocidal tactics. Mind controlling orc hordes sounds like a good time to me. Reveal trailer for the game that is sadly not subtitled ‘Must Die Harder’ is below.(more…)

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