Botanicula’s Humbly Bundled Already: Amanita Collection
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 19 2012 17:00 GMT in Humble Indie Bundle
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Well this here is interesting. The latest Humble Bundle, the Humble Botanicula Debut, has just launched. It’s dedicated to Amanita Design, they responsible for Machinarium, Samorost, and Botanicula. All three of which are in the bundle. So yes, the brand new Botanicula, literally released this very minute, is in the bundle, meaning you don’t need to pay the $10 for it, but rather whatever you want. It’s a bold move, and it’ll be fascinating to see how it affects regular sales on Steam,, etc. But it’s very good news for you, as it means you can get the wonderful back catalogue from Amanita, along with a copy of Czech film Kooky if you pay over the average, and the extremely lovely Windosill by Vectorpark.


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