Myst gets Real on iPad
Posted by Joystiq Jul 09 2012 16:00 GMT in Myst
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There is now yet another way for you to buy Myst. You may already have Myst on your iPhone or iPad, but now you can get an iPad version of RealMyst, the 2000 remake of the adventure game that presents the world in realtime 3D.

The new mobile version uses a new interface designed for the platform. "Instead of trying to awkwardly shoehorn a computer mouse interface or game console controller into the new touch environment - we were driven to design a simple touch interface that anyone could use." said producer Karl Johnson in the announcement. "The resulting interface allows the player to explore a 3D world with the ease of 'exploring' a 2D document on the iPad."

RealMyst is on the App Store now for iPad 2 and 3, at a promotional price of $6.99. At an unspecified future date, it'll go up to a permanent $9.99 price point.

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