Walking Dead Episode 3 hits today on PSN, tomorrow on XBLM, PC, and Mac
Posted by Joystiq Aug 28 2012 13:00 GMT in Xbox Live Arcade
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The Walking Dead: Episode Three: Long Road Ahead arrives on PSN today, and tomorrow on XBLM, PC, and Mac. The PSN price is $4.99, while on XBLM it's 400 MS points. PC and Mac players will have access through Telltale's Season Pass or various online portals, including Steam. International release dates remain unconfirmed, though Telltale Games hopes to have word on that soon.

Telltale announced the news after yesterday teasing the next episode of the zombie-stuffed adventure would drop "very soon." Meanwhile, iOS shuffles along just behind the pack, with Episode Two releasing as an in-app purchase for the Walking Dead game tomorrow.

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