ZombiU - New GamePad interactions detailed (barricades, hacking and more)
Posted by GoNintendo Sep 12 2012 17:41 GMT in ZombiU
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GamePad uses

- survival bag for food, ammunition, weapons
- will be used physically for weapons like the sniper rifle and crossbow
- sonar for seeing where zombies are
- scanner for food, other items, weapons, ammunition
- scan the infected to see if they are carrying anything
- game can be played without the scanner
- scanner can get upgrades
- eventually scan for serum, which comes from a gland that zombies have
- extract serum with syringe
- hacking device that reveals stuff and breaks stuff such as CCTV cameras
- do this to update your mini-map on the GamePad screen with more info
- mini-game that [involves] lock picking
- move your finger on the lock to pick the lock
- return to safehouse and use workbench to upgrade weapons
- player skills: hit certain goals to upgrade your character's skills
- lift planks with GamePad to barricade doors

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