PAYDAY: The Heist - Update Released
Posted by Valve Sep 13 2012 23:13 GMT in PayDay: The Heist
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PAYDAY: The Heist Patch 9 Update Notes


Fixed slow moving Teammates
Changed up some SWAT tactics for better group flow
Secret stuff...

PAYDAY: The Heist Patch 8 Update Notes


Much better AI movement with almost no clipping issues when moving around
Fix for civilians wanting to run ontop of things when in panic
Multicore CPU optimizations for more performance
Fixed some issues with users being able to tamper with memory and getting access to Sentry Guns
WOLF PACK levels outed in the menu to prepare for DLC
Added a percentage progress counter on the drop-in status for players joining mid-game

PAYDAY: The Heist Patch 7 Update Notes


New Menu theme selection: The players can now switch menu theme from original to heat. For all our dedicated heisters we upgrade the menu theme so they can pick their favourite theme to heist in.
New option - Light adaption on/off: The players can now choose to have Light adaption on or off.
Unveiling of the technician class: The players can now view a tease of the Technician class in the upgrades menu.
A bright future: Someone in the Garnet Group Skyscraper is heading for a bright future...
A dark future: Someone in the projects is preparing for a dark future...
New moves and tactics by the SWAT AI.


Fixed a bug where Bain's subtitles appear on the post game screen
Fixed a bug where the rep limit is set to level 0 from the edit game settings menu even if it is set higher before creating a heist
Fixed a bug where the game would lock when the character is in custody and one of his mines would defeat a cop
Fixed a bug where enemies sometimes would teleport to a nearby location after performing an evasive maneuver
Fixed a bug where the "Play With Team AI" selection would not save when turned off
Fixed a bug where there would be error text in the online in-game menu for Edit Game Settings
Fixed a bug in Single Player, with no AI, dialogue would still talk about freeing comrades after each assault
Fixed a bug where previously selected character flashed briefly on screen when navigating back to 'Choose Character'
Fixed a bug where the Reputation Limit description had a grammatical error
Fixed a bug where Cloakers would be able to club players at range
Fixed a bug where the Select Difficulty description was not entirely correct
Fixed a bug where Merry Xmas challenge was still present in the Challenge list
Fixed a bug where masks would not update correctly after a game had been played
Fixed a bug where a late join would cause looping sound effects
Fixed a bug where levels are not listed under Available Heists when selecting difficulty
Fixed a bug where the number of players in a game would not display correctly on the load out screen
Fixed a bug where the challenge complete bar would not pop up when completing any of the 145+ challenges
Fixed a bug where Dallas' President mask would appear incorrect

First World Bank

Fixed a bug where grey rectangular polygons would drop in and out in the basement area
Fixed a bug where a 'Unknown Location' would be found right before the Basement
Fixed a bug where the game would lock all players when a player late joined after the heist had started
Fixed a bug where dialogue would continue to play after commanding the Bank Manager to get down

Heat Street

Fixed a bug where only 10/11 objectives would be able to be completed
Fixed a bug where the door for the orange container next to the crashed van was slightly clipping into the van

Panic Room

Fixed a bug where corrupt graphic was seen coming from a mouse on the floor
Fixed a bug where corrupt ceiling fan graphics was seen
Fixed a bug where there were no enemies in the smoke that fills the stairway to the roof
Fixed a bug where there would be multiple collision issues during gameplay
Fixed a bug where flickering text graphics could be seen above each doorway
Fixed a bug where the enemies throughout the heist could be found in the t-pose

Green Bridge

Fixed a bug where two objective markers appear on-screen at the same time when running to the exit
Fixed a bug where there would be missing side rail graphics at the end of the bridge during the "Make The Escape" objective
Fixed a bug where the yellow end game marker does not appear if players reach the exit before the escape prompt
Fixed a bug where the ziplines would not show from the towers to the top of the scaffolding
Fixed a bug where the user was able to place trip mines on invisible collision on open prison trucks

Diamond Heist

Fixed a bug in where as the alarm was triggered some A.I. guards would appear to be warping from their current location
Fixed a bug where two waypoints appear on the screen
Fixed a bug where the game would crash when the codes did not work on the Vault door
Fixed a bug where the Big Diamond was able to be taken through the metal fence that drops down after the cutter had completed
Fixed a bug where there would be multiple collision issues during gameplay


Fixed a bug where the player could become stuck inside the falling safe
Fixed a bug where the Armored truck was appearing incorrectly in the main room
Fixed a bug where the A.I. Was seen standing on invisible collision
Fixed bugs where four 'Unknown Locations' were found inside the building of the Main Room
Fixed a bug where meat hanging in the main room would be inconsistent from the host and the clients

PAYDAY: The Heist Patch 6 Update Notes

PC patch 6 is finally here, and were bringing out the big guns on this one! We bring a whole new set of bug fixes, random events, masks and even more stuff… what do you say about an entirely new difficulty setting and new challenges/Steam achievements? Yeah, and this stuff isnt even the DLC, which will contain even more stuff that is even more awesome!

Here is the complete change log for PC patch 6:

NEW DIFFICULTY For the PAYDAY fans that think the action is the juice, we now introduce a new difficulty setting called OVERKILL 145+. It can only be played if you have reached level 145 and opens up the possibility for new achievements as well as the OVERKILL 145+ leaderboards!

NEW RANDOM EVENTS All the heists now have new events that will surprise and challenge you like never before.
STREET: New OVERKILL 145+ events
PANIC ROOM: New OVERKILL 145+ events

NEW ACHIEVEMENTS The patch includes eight new achievements for Steam.
FOUR MORE YEARS: Awarded for reaching reputation level 145. Along with the achievement, players are also rewarded with the presidential mask set!
BANK ON ME: Awarded for beating FIRST WORLD BANK on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting.
HILLS STREET BLUES: Awarded for beating HEAT STREET on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting.
BRUSH WITH DEATH: Awarded for beating PANIC ROOM on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting.
BEAT THE SHIELD: Awarded for beating GREEN BRIDGE on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting.
BAD CODE: Awarded for beating DIAMOND HEIST on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting.
LOTS OF PIGS, BUT NO PIGS: Awarded for beating SLAUGHTERHOUSE on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting.
YOU ARE GOLDEN! Awarded for beating all six original heists on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting. Along with the achievement, players are also rewarded with the golden 145+ mask. Overkill salutes you!

Players who reach reputation level 145 (and get the FOUR MORE YEARS achievement) are awarded with the presidential mask set.
Players who beat all heists on the new OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting (and get the YOU ARE GOLDEN! achievement) are awarded with the golden 145+ mask the most fashionable way to show others that you are a true career criminal!

NEW OPTION By popular demand, players can now set their FOV (field of view) ranging from 60 to 100. Simply go to the Advanced Graphics Menu to make the change.

HALL OF FAME 200 dedicated career criminals are in for a surprise! As a token of appreciation to our community, 200 of the most dedicated PC players have gotten their nick names immortalized in the PC version of the game. Where could your name be hiding?

WORLDWIDE SUCCESS RATE Payday players can now view statistics on how large a percentage of players in the world have completed the different heists on all difficulties. Access this information in the Select Heist Menu.
NEW CHARACTER ANIMATIONS The law enforcers can now move like never before! Expect the unexpected! Also, the party goers in DIAMOND HEIST have new dance moves.

HUD UPDATE Players can now see the name of the character they are currently playing in the portrait window while in-game.

NEW MUSIC The DJ at the party in DIAMOND HEIST has a nice playlist.

Added a fix for those who experience lag after a successful heist.
Collision fixes on all levels.
Added separate mouse sensitivity for aiming and looking. Added an optional check box for mouse sensitivity (PC only).
Added a fix for AI movement in DIAMOND HEIST.
Added a fix for the glitch where the enemy could not see you in SLAUGHTERHOUSE.
Added a fix for LOD (level of detail) steps on several heists.
Added a fix for the big red diamond abuse in DIAMOND HEIST.
Added a fix for crashes when leaving multiplayer.
Added fixes for several rare crashes.
Added a fix for the Cloaker who would not attack players.
Added a fix for the Cloaker who would do range attacks on players.
Added a fix for brightness control which previously didnt always work properly.
Added a fix for snipers that would shoot through the building walls in PANIC ROOM.

Added a fix for the Taser, who now has a longer interval before he starts to tase again after being interrupted.

The shotguns now have new more realistic reload animations, in which the weapon isnt cocked unless its needed.
Graphical updates on some heists. New events have caused us to make certain graphical improvements, changing the layout of several environments.

PAYDAY: The Heist Patch 5 Update Notes

Fix for custom Nvidia Settings being reset by PAYDAY
Fix for Steam disconnect crash
Fix so you can play PAYDAY in Steam Offline mode
Fix for random crashes in DIAMOND HEIST
Fix for Drop In disabling some interactions for the dropped in clients on SLAUGHTERHOUSE
Optimizations for higher FPS

That's all for now - enjoy!

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