A portion of a Kotaku interview with Capcom exec Christian Svensson...
Kotaku: Is this game something that you expect to satisfy fan craving for new Mega Man games?
Svensson: As a Mega Man fan, I'd hope that it's something that scratches one type of itch. A new game, with new mechanics, bosses and weapons is a great thing. Free is even better. That said, it is not meant to be the cure for all that ails Mega Man fans. For that to happen, I know we need something more.
Kotaku: What if it doesn't whet fans' appetite? What are Capcom's plans for a standalone Mega Man game?
Svensson: Alas, on that front, I'll need to keep you in suspense. We're still having many conversations about the future of the franchise and I hope to have more news to share at some point during the 25th Anniversary celebrations in 2013.
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