Dragon Quest X - Sage and Gladiator details, screens, art
Posted by GoNintendo Mar 08 2013 02:58 GMT in Dragon Quest X
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- high MP capacity
- Sages learn various offensive and supportive spells
- weapons of choice are boomerangs and bows
- Basic spells: Midheal, Multiheal, Squelch, Zing, Zammle, Boom
- Class Skill: Spiritual Awakening
- Weapon types: Staff, Boomerang, Bow
- Healing Rain: Provides the party with blessed rain, which steadily heals the entire party’s HP.
- Caster Sugar: Temporarily boosts magical mending and magical might.
- to unlock sage, visit the Dorwarm Crystal Palace and accept the quest from Teeza
- The quest involves defeating monsters that only appear during the night


- superior power from their trained bodies
- specialize in using heavy weaponry
- only class capable of dual wielding weapons
- their Class Skill, Clap Trap, provides Gladiators with various abilities to fight close-ranged battles while taking little damage
- used as tanks in a group of players.
- Basic Spells: None
- Class Skill: Clap Trap
- Weapon Types: One-handed sword, Two-handed sword, Hammer
- Double Up: Increases attack at the cost of defense.
- Unparalleled: Swiftly attacks enemy with 6 consecutive strikes.
- to unlock the Gladiator class, you’ll be required to visit a colosseum located at the entertainment island, Rakkaran
- talk to Jakov and he’ll send you out on the quest which will require defeating certain monsters who’ve been affected by condition effects

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