The Metallica Pack 01 DLC for Rock Band - featuring "Ride The Lightning," "And Justice For All" and "Blackened" - is no longer available for new purchase on the Rock Band store and will soon be removed from first-party marketplaces, because the license has expired. This won't affect those who already own the DLC, and even allows them to redownload the content if necessary. If you already own the Metallica Pack 01, it's still all yours.
Harmonix launched Metallica Pack 01 in November 2007 for $5.50, or $2 per song.
"Now, over 5 years since the release of the first batch of Rock Band DLC, we're reaching the end of some of the earliest licenses we secured," Harmonix writes on its Facebook page. "Our Music Team has been hard at work extending these licenses to make sure that this has as small an impact on the community as possible, but there may be a very limited number of songs that will no longer be offered for new purchases in the Rock Band store."
Harmonix plans to post relicensing updates on a quarterly basis, hoping to give players a heads up if songs expire.
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