You, Sir, Artyom Being Hunted – Metro: LL’s Baddies
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 17 2013 07:00 GMT in Metro: Last Light
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Metro: Last Light is so close. So very, painfully close. Sometimes, on cold, lonely nights and also in Russia for some reason, I can almost feel it sidling up to me, locking me in a warm irradiated embrace, telling me everything’s going to be OK. Patience, however, is not my strong suit, so I think frequently subjecting myself to these very nice promo videos constitutes some form of masochism. The latest one’s quite the ride, too, taking us on a whirlwind tour of Last Light’s various factions, human murderjerks/WWII allegories, and mutant creepy crawly stompy blaaarghies. Take a peek for yourself after the break, and then join me in a moist state of anticipatory writhing for the next month.


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