RUMOR - 3D Mario title hitting Wii U by October, major releases coming, media blitz as well
Posted by GoNintendo May 03 2013 15:27 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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- new 3D Mario game due out by October
- Nintendo holding internal discussions with retailers to boost morale
- Nintendo was not comfortable fully promoting Wii U until the release the spring update
- working on a significant global Wii U marketing campaign
- more system issues ironed out in another big update
- blockbuster titles hitting Wii U from this Summer until early next year
- new Mario Kart will debut in playable form at E3
- marketing campaign will commence at E3
- 3D Mario game will also be playable on the show floor. The title will be released before October, pending development delays.

"From July onwards we will launch a succession of Wii U titles and we will promote these extensively until the end of the year. Marketing activity will include TV, print, online and PR as well as comprehensive experiential and social media campaigns.

We have a strong line up planned for Wii U in the second half of 2013 including the likes of Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Wii U. We are looking forward to launching these in the UK and for the opportunity to showcase the full potential of Wii U." - Shelly Pearce, the PR director at Nintendo UK

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