Hands-on: The Elder Scrolls Online
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 29 2013 20:00 GMT in The Elder Scrolls Online
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The Elder Scrolls Online is in the unusual (and perhaps unenviable) position of having to appeal to two kinds of player – fans of the Elder Scrolls series and fans of the MMO. It would be silly to argue against the suspicion that, at a certain point, these two groups must overlap. It’s that sweet spot of the Venn diagram that Zenimax is pitching to with its foray into the lots-of-people-fighting-at-once genre. It has already been pointed out that TESO looks to be leaning towards the tried and tested techniques of the MMO, rather than forging a distinct multiplayer world from Elder Scroll conventions, a la the broken yet personable Mortal Online. Having recently had a brief wander in Tamriel, it does seem to us that, as a game, it is certainly more World of Warcraft than Skyrim. Even if it does pay tribute to its forebears in terms of lore and world-building.(more…)

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