Microsoft Games Are Coming To Android, iOS Phones
Posted by Kotaku Jun 25 2013 03:30 GMT in Gaming News
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You read that right. Develoepr Klab will be bringing a mobile version of Age of Empires to both iOS and Android devices later this year. A report on Nikkei says the game will be free-to-play, so it's likely a port of the recent PC reboot of the series. It's also merely the first in a line of Microsoft properties the Japanese developer will be porting to mobile. Weird that a Microsoft franchise would be coming to phones that aren't Windows phones. Weird, but smart. If Age of Empires is first, I wonder what's next. Halo Wars might be in line for a second wind, and Project Gotham is due for some re-release love as well... マイクロソフト、他社スマホにゲーム配信 iPhoneなど 囲い込み戦略転換、日本勢にも影響か [Nikkei]

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