Guacamelee piledriving onto Steam
Posted by Joystiq 11 years ago in Steam
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If you prefer your Guacamelee Steam-ed, a 'Gold Edition' of the PS3 and Vita game is coming to the PC platform, featuring the Costume Pack and The Devil's Playground DLC.

Guacamelee: Gold Edition arrives on Steam on August 8, priced $15, or £12/€14 in Europe. If you buy the game in its first week on Steam, you'll get a 10 percent discount on the game, as well as pick up developer Drinkbox's Tales of Space: Mutant Blobs Attack for free.

Joystiq head honcho Ludwig, known in wrestling circles as The Kietz Man, gave Guacamelee a body-slamming four stars, recommending the 2D adventure with a three-pronged attack: "once for its devilish difficulty, again for its luchadorable charm, and one last time for its even-handed treatment of the lowly video game chicken." Check his review for some really fowl puns.

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