Dark Souls 2 beta rescheduled for November
Posted by Joystiq Oct 29 2013 13:30 GMT in Dark Souls II
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Like any Dark Souls player worth his or her salt, the Dark Souls 2 beta is putting past failures behind it and having another go at things on November 10. Namco Bandai announced the rescheduled beta is set to take place between 2AM and 5AM ET (that's 11AM to 2AM PT) starting November 9.

The second Dark Souls 2 beta failed to get going over the weekend, leaving would-be adventurers unable to log in and their souls disappointingly safe. In its announcement, Namco assured fans that all the people who took part previously will be allowed into the rescheduled beta, and there's still space for more participants.

Hopefully there'll be no false starts for the game proper, which is due on PS3 and Xbox 360 on March 11 in North America, then on PC shortly thereafter. In the meantime, do check out our impressions of the beta from last month's Tokyo Game Show. And just keep loving death.

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