Rocksmith 2014's KISS DLC was made for lovin' you, baby
Posted by Joystiq Feb 15 2014 17:30 GMT in Ubisoft
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If Valentine's Day left you short on love, fret not: Ubisoft has got a big KISS waiting for you. A new DLC pack for Rocksmith 2014 has come bearing three songs from the '70s rock group of big hair, outlandish makeup and one very long tongue.

"Detroit Rock City," "Heaven's On Fire" and "I Was Made For Loving You" are all available to purchase for $2.99 apiece, or together for $7.99. We won't say it's required that you put on the group's iconic makeup and costumes if you should decide to play these songs, but it's totally required that you put on the makeup and costumes.
[Image: Ubisoft]

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