The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 delayed to May 22
Posted by Joystiq Apr 06 2014 19:30 GMT in Steam
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The son of famed vampire hunter Van Helsing is gearing up to slaughter a fresh bunch of monsters in The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2, Nerdcore Games' second entry in a planned trilogy. Properly planning for an action RPG outing takes time though, a resource Van Helsing Jr. now has - Nerdcore has pushed Van Helsing 2's release from April to May 22 for the sake of polish, which conveniently gives our protagonist enough time for a siesta.

Once the adventure continues, players will be able to align with one of three class types; the range and melee-proficient Hunter, the magic-savvy Thaumaturge and the Arcane Mechanic, a deadly-device specialist. The ghostly sidekick Lady Katarina returns to aid players, but aspiring hunters can bring up to three living friends along in a cooperative campaign, or sling attacks in a PvP mode that supports eight competitors total. [Image: Neocore Games]

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