Face off against Zipper Interactive in MAG beta's closing ceremonies
Posted by Joystiq Dec 03 2009 20:15 GMT in MAG
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Got some complaint about MAG that you'd like to directly file with the game's creators? You'll have your chance to do so this Friday, when a number of Zipper Interactive staffers will join in the Shadow War as part of the beta's closing ceremonies. All you have to do is join in a fight, and keep an eye out for squads using the clan tag [ZIP]. According to the developer's blog, they'll be playing for two hours starting at 9 p.m. EST. Remember, present your suggestions in a courteous, congenial manner. For instance, "hello, Zipper Interactive employee. I think the game would be improved by limiting the number of times a first aid kit can be used in a single spawn. Thank you so much for listening. I'm going to fire bullets at you now, okay?" [Via CVG]

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