RUSE's June 3 release date is no trick, beta arriving next week
Posted by Joystiq Mar 03 2010 22:20 GMT in R.U.S.E.
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If you were paying close attention to Twitter this morning, you might've noticed Ubisoft community developer Aymeric Evennou noting that a RUSE public beta will be strategically moving itself onto Steam on March 9. More importantly, though, if you were looking way too closely into the French publisher's YouTube video details, it's possible you would've seen this little tidbit about the game's release date: "RUSE will be available on PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on June 3rd 2010." Oh snap!

From Ubisoft ... ahem ... tricking us into believing the game would see release in Q1 2010, to a private beta last year, and now the announcement that we'll get a chance to play the game next week, it's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for us over the last year at Joystiq. Thankfully, Ubi also released five minutes of soothing fan service in video form that we've embedded after the break for you (and for our own well-being).
[Via Big Download]

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