Fort Francis ((Work In Progress))
Posted by Slim Apr 03 2010 00:52 GMT in Slim
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I'm recreating Fort Francis in Minecraft, as some of you may know, and I'll probably be working on the map for a while. I'll be using this thread to keep all of you updated/to gain information as to how you'd like this map to turn out.

It's not an exact replica, so don't go screaming FORT FRANCIS DIDN'T HAVE A POOL IN SPM SJKDBNDKBNFDSKBN but it does have the basic structural qualities from the game (Keyword: BASIC).

I'll be giving a room to every ACTIVE member who has been here for more than a year (Though I'll give a few people who I think deserve ones some slack).

 Current room plans:


Francis: Digibutter /DONE/

Slim/Nassy: Modern /DONE/

Arson: Wilderness /DONE/

Tails Doll: Scary /DONE/

Dimfish: Beach /DONE/ (Below)

Flar3/Ph1r3: Fire \TBA\

Boreale: Sci-fi /DONE/

Crump: Space \TBA\

Spiny: Prehistory \TBA\

Bremmy: Golden \TBA\


Post what you want your room to look like here and I'll add you to the list.



Once the map is completely finished, I'll add a link to this thread, and you'll be able to actually play on it.

(I'll be adding some secrets and easter eggs as I build to keep you guys busy after you've explored the fort)




I'm open for suggestions either through this thread, Steam, or MSN.




MODEL 1.1 : 4/2/10

Green: Francis' room (Currently empty) (Triple room)

Red: Arson's room (Wilderness Themed) (Single Room) /DONE/

Blue: Slim/Nassy's room (Modern Themed) (Double Room) /DONE/

Pink: Booze

Orange: The Bridge /DONE/

Yellow: The Pool

Purple: Shit ton of books /DONE/


One more tower planned, three rooms up for grabs.

Reply by Slim Apr 03 2010 00:58 GMT

gimme some purple&black in dat place, also make my room kinda bowl shaped, like the oval office in da white house, cause im a fish now and uhh fish live in bowls... oh and make it like a beach with half sand for a floor and half water... also put up download links so we can just edited our own rooms once there made

Reply by Super-Claus Apr 03 2010 01:40 GMT
I can't change the room shape
It has to be able to fit in the allotted area or else I won't have room for everyone else
Reply by Slim Apr 03 2010 01:43 GMT

oh yeah.... well then just gimme a square room with a mini beach as the floor and a small thingy of water in there somewhere.

Reply by Super-Claus Apr 03 2010 01:55 GMT
I'm not risking flooding the entire map again
and the rooms aren't square
Reply by Slim Apr 03 2010 02:01 GMT
I want a room, and I want it to be scary themed.
Reply by Tails Doll Apr 03 2010 02:02 GMT

ok then just make mine beach themed, just use the blue blocks as water instead of real water. just make sure i've got a sand floor.

Reply by Super-Claus Apr 03 2010 02:09 GMT

I like how this is gonna turn out. Well make my room fire themed (hurr)

Reply by Flar3 Apr 03 2010 02:36 GMT
Any chance I could get one brah?
Reply by ©na Apr 03 2010 02:55 GMT
Think of a theme and shoot
Reply by Slim Apr 03 2010 02:57 GMT
Room of angry kickass dedocahedrons, go
Reply by Fallen Shade Apr 03 2010 03:06 GMT

I wanna live in the hallway with the kitty lasers!


Reply by Linkshot Apr 03 2010 03:16 GMT
Can you do anything sci-fi?
Reply by ©na Apr 03 2010 03:22 GMT
I would like a room made of solid gold, please.
Reply by Brem Apr 03 2010 03:28 GMT

*crag* yeah minecraft

do a lemon-themed room for me :U

Reply by THAT BOBZ GUY Apr 03 2010 05:27 GMT
hey can you make a space opera room for me
Reply by Lord Crump Apr 03 2010 05:29 GMT

Can you tell us the room dimensions so we can have a good idea how much stuff we can fit in?

Reply by MattTheSpratt Apr 03 2010 15:20 GMT
I wont reveal my previous user but I should get one (about 2y on digi). Put it under frozen.
Reply by FrozenWinters Apr 03 2010 18:30 GMT
September 2009 =/= 2 years ago
Reply by ©na Apr 03 2010 18:32 GMT
How hard was it to make that pool?
Reply by ©na Apr 03 2010 18:53 GMT

Dumpster for me?

Reply by Super Bob Apr 03 2010 19:08 GMT

Added room example

Reply by Slim Apr 03 2010 20:27 GMT
Also you can't get a room until you reveal your original name
Reply by Slim Apr 03 2010 20:31 GMT
And the pool was probably the easiest thing to build
Reply by Slim Apr 03 2010 20:31 GMT

All that's left for the second tower is Francis' room


and then I have to bust my ass and make another tower

Reply by Slim Apr 03 2010 21:08 GMT
Okay, I've decided. I'd like a room themed around the aesthetics of the original Tron movie.
Reply by MattTheSpratt Apr 03 2010 22:18 GMT
freaking perfect thanks slim, also are e alout to edited our rooms once you open FF to digi?
Reply by Super-Claus Apr 03 2010 22:38 GMT
Am I cool enough to be in it guys?
Reply by hawkofrawk Apr 03 2010 23:33 GMT
You should put two beds in Flar3's room
I swear if you make it one queen sized i will eat your eyeballs
You can edit it, but nobody can see it unless I figure out how to create a server
also yeah, you can bunk with Flar3
Reply by Slim Apr 03 2010 23:52 GMT
When I say the words "Casino Zone" to you, what can you make happen?
Reply by Popple Apr 04 2010 00:37 GMT
Already made it happen
But you'll have to find it first
Reply by Slim Apr 04 2010 01:34 GMT

CURRENT MODEL 1.2 : 4/3/10


Green: Francis' room (SPM/DIGI Themed) (Triple room) /DONE/

Red: Tails Doll's room (Scary Themed) (Single room) /DONE/

Yellow: Boreale's room (Sci-Fi Themed) (Single room) /DONE/

Blue: Dimfish's room (Beach Themed) (Single room) /DONE/



Next up will be the third tower

Reply by Slim Apr 04 2010 02:46 GMT
Guess that's a no.
Reply by hawkofrawk Apr 04 2010 02:59 GMT
Two years, man.
I need to make those kinds of standards if I want to have enough room to fit everyone.
If I have any rooms left over, you can have one.
Reply by Slim Apr 04 2010 03:02 GMT
K then
Reply by hawkofrawk Apr 04 2010 03:28 GMT
What do you mean I have to find it. How the hell do I even get in your map.
Reply by Popple Apr 04 2010 05:00 GMT

I request my room be based around prehistory.

Reply by Spiny Apr 04 2010 14:50 GMT
>Once the map is completely finished, I'll add a link to this thread, and you'll be able to actually play on it.
So we can't go on the map yet
Reply by ©na Apr 04 2010 20:26 GMT
Hmm, I would like a room plx (seems my last request wasn't processed) make it anime themed plx
Reply by FrozenWinters Apr 06 2010 20:14 GMT

Also you can't get a room until you reveal your original name god damn

Reply by Slim Apr 06 2010 20:33 GMT


Reply by Popple Apr 06 2010 20:35 GMT
oh slim by the by I am almost finished with your abandoned mini fort francis in goomba's server, its coming along great
Reply by Super-Claus Apr 06 2010 20:59 GMT

I want a room high up in a tower, at least very near the top. High-tech airship themed.

Reply by DarkBlueAce Apr 06 2010 23:37 GMT
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