Posted by Flar3 Sep 09 2010 01:38 GMT in Flar3
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I always hated Stone
Reply by Slim Sep 09 2010 01:49 GMT
i don't understand
Reply by Nastasia Sep 09 2010 02:01 GMT

This be thought out entirely t' much, it be kinda obvious at certain parts that the lad be using an emulator 'n video editing skills t' make most a the creepy shit like with the parts with the Shell Link 'n the random instant deaths, what *crag*ing got me though be the part where the Happy Mask Salesman be moving his head following Link's exact motions. He best've thrown in an angry HMS slowly turning his head upside down while link be looking at the sea dog in the first person, that would've probably made me piss myself.

Reply by Fallen Shade Sep 09 2010 02:03 GMT
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