Metal Gear's Raiden joins the Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Posted by Joystiq Nov 03 2010 18:05 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Rising
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Don't get us wrong -- we like Ezio and his gentlemanly facial hair plenty, but the opportunity to play as Metal Gear Solid's bionic man, Raiden? That's simply thrilling. And it seems we'll be able to do just that, as an anonymous tipster has sent us images revealing Raiden as a playable skin in this month's Assassin's Creed game, Brotherhood. As with AC's Altair in MGS4, it seems Ubisoft and Konami have again come together to forge a beautiful collaboration for fans of both series.

Beyond the images, our tipster claims that the Raiden "outfit" is unlocked upon completing all tasks in the Animus' new "virtual training" mode, leaving us with hope that we could complete the training first and play through Brotherhood as Raiden from the get-go -- and, just maybe, fooling ourselves into thinking we're actually playing Rising.

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