Dante's Inferno Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by GameTrailers Dec 10 2009 01:11 GMT
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Dante's biggest challenge yet awaits in the Seventh Circle--Violence.

Posted by IGN Dec 09 2009 22:39 GMT
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Hack your way through Death and into Hell.

Posted by IGN Dec 09 2009 22:19 GMT
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First entry in the six-issue comic book miniseries available now.

Posted by IGN Dec 09 2009 21:02 GMT
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Fight your way through Hell's minions.

Posted by IGN Dec 01 2009 20:26 GMT
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Visceral Games announces free downloadable demo available on PSN December 10th and on Xbox Live December 24th.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 01 2009 19:00 GMT
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There are plenty of beloved Christmas Eve traditions observed across the globe. Whether it's roasting chestnuts or watching the Christmas Story marathon, everyone's got a different way of marking the arrival of St. Nick. EA's hoping that the 360 owners among you will start a brand new, equally-sentimental tradition as it releases a demo of Dante's Inferno for XBLM on Dec. 24. The sample includes the entire first level of Dante's demonic journey into hell and goes great with eggnog. Those preferring PSN will get the demo on Dec. 10, a date which has the dual benefit of (1) being two weeks earlier and (2) not making the baby Jesus cry.

Posted by IGN Nov 23 2009 18:58 GMT
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Dante's Inferno application sends friends, family, places and products to hell with the click of a button.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 18 2009 23:05 GMT
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To: Electronic Arts CC: Visceral Games RE: Voice-over suggestion for latest Dante's Inferno trailer ATT: dante-story-trailer.flv Male (30s, 40s - Gruff, gravelly voice) "The denizens of Hell stole the woman he loved ... but they didn't realize they were messing with the wrong 14th century Italian poet. In a world where the damned scream out for absolution, one man will fight for justice. It's time for some serious payback, and the Devil just wrote a check he can't cash. Electronic Arts presents ... Dante's Inferno. Next Spring, there's going to be Hell to pay." (Alternate closer: "Next Spring, it's damned if you do, damned if you die.") Thank you for your consideration,

Posted by Joystiq Nov 13 2009 14:05 GMT
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With talent from "Blood the Last Vampire" and "Ergo Proxy" (oh, and "Samauri Champloo") involved, it should've been clear that "Dante's Inferno: The Animated Epic" was going to be sickeningly violent. A newly released trailer for the straight-to-video anime spin-off reveals that this Dante's Inferno project isn't a single film, but rather a compilation of animated shorts, much like "The Animatrix," "Batman: Gotham Knight" and, most recently, "Halo: Legends."We're pretty certain Dante Alighieri is rolling in his grave right now, as this anthology of multiple interpretations of Visceral Games' interpretation of the original epic poem is so very far removed from the source. But hey, it's Alighieri's fault for not having the foresight to write about someone's head getting chopped in half!Expect The Animated Epic to arrive on DVD and Blu-ray in February, the same month as the game.

Posted by GameTrailers Nov 13 2009 06:00 GMT
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How far through hell would you go to bring back the one you love?

Posted by Joystiq Nov 11 2009 21:35 GMT
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The Dante's Inferno game concept -- a totally brutal action-adventure based on Dante Alighieri's epic poem -- seems like a hard sell to us, but it was no problem getting EA on board. As it turns out, EA was all in from the very beginning, according to Visceral creative director Jonathan Knight's recollection during a PlayStation Blog interview (that you can watch after the break). He got the go-ahead "pretty much right away," as EA executives apparently saw "the potential in the mythology" glowing green before their very eyes. "Nobody's really taken on that kind of medieval Christian notion of the afterlife as a very real place that you go to, you know, just under the ground, and there's monsters and demons and rivers," Knight said. "It's just a crazy, fantastical, incredible vision that Dante Alighieri had for Hell, and my execs immediately saw the potential there for a real game." In addition to the appeal of Hell -- a concept that "everybody has some knowledge of" -- we can imagine that EA appreciated what is basically a licensed game based on a public domain property, especially these days.

Posted by IGN Nov 10 2009 19:20 GMT
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Experience One of the Most Anticipated Games of 2010 in 2009.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 10 2009 16:35 GMT
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Though Visceral Games' video game adaptation of the classic parable known as Dante's Inferno (which, fun fact, was actually a book adaptation of Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey) won't see the light of day until next February, we'll be getting our dirty, sin-soaked hands on a demo for the game in December. In 'The Gates of Hell,' players will be able to traverse the entire first level of the game, taking them from the surface world to the titular portcullis, where they must battle (and presumably kill) Death himself. We imagine the game gets much easier after, you know, there's no more Death.

Posted by GameTrailers Nov 10 2009 00:10 GMT
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The Sixth Circle brings flame and punishment for anyone who enters.

Posted by IGN Oct 28 2009 20:17 GMT
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Over 5 minutes of new gameplay footage.

Posted by Joystiq Oct 23 2009 08:05 GMT
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Dante's Inferno is getting flak from a nanny group over an Achievement for killing unbaptized babies -- not ironically, it's named "Bad Nanny." As GamePolitics points out, the International Nanny Association (INA) released a statement calling the 'cheevo "offensive to our association," as it seemingly defies the INA's goal to "promote and educate the public regarding the selfless work nannies do to support families." We here at Joystiq are thoroughly offended too, though mostly because we know that more than one person on staff will be once again be forced into a morally compromising position in the endless hunt for virtual grandeur.

Posted by IGN Oct 22 2009 16:00 GMT
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Heretics beware -- Dante is coming for you.

Posted by GameTrailers Oct 20 2009 01:25 GMT
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If you are guilty of lust, you're in for the fight of your after-life.

Posted by GameTrailers Oct 20 2009 00:51 GMT
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Explore the nine circles of hell with Johnathan Knight, Executive Producer.

Posted by Joystiq Oct 10 2009 04:05 GMT
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A recent Visceral Games press release revealed the talent behind the script of Dante's Inferno: Will Rokos, who was nominated for an Academy Award for his work on the screenplay for Monster's Ball. We missed out on that one when it was in theaters, but a quick Wikipedia search taught us that it's a troubling tale of ingrained racial conflict, shattered families, coping with lost loved ones and brief, uncompromising shots of Billy Bob Thornton's testicles. So, yeah. Lots of overlap between that and an action-oriented video game based on a 14th century epic poem.

Posted by Joystiq Oct 10 2009 02:05 GMT
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The latest in a series of developer diaries for Dante's Inferno has been released and, as we've come to expect, it's more familiar gameplay wrapped up in the hideous guise of a ruinous literary interpretation (one that Dante himself would supposedly approve of, no less). It's hard to say that the game doesn't look enjoyable, because it really does. The scythe and cross, which feature heavily in the video, look like a lot of fun to wield. The pursuit of a smooth, 60 FPS frame rate is admirable as well. Unfortunately, the arrival of this "Anger" video also likely means the arrival of something in our own Chris Grant's mailbox. Some grim, tasteless thing that will shake our faith in humanity and the wisdom of EA's marketing department. And so, we wait.

Posted by GameTrailers Oct 09 2009 19:36 GMT
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Welcome to the furious fifth circle of hell.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 25 2009 21:55 GMT
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"Well, you know, I do think Dante would approve of our game. He was a man ahead of his time," supposed a Dante's Inferno developer about Dante Alighieri, author of 14th-century epic poem the Divine Comedy; the first part, Inferno, serving as the game's source material ... in theory.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 25 2009 21:50 GMT
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Filed under: Sony PlayStation 3, Action, TGS We've talked up Dante's Inferno and its similarities to God of War before -- and not much has changed in that regard in the game's latest build. So, instead of going deep into the gameplay here, we'll focus on the content we saw in the new level, based on the sin of "Lust." It's quite the hellish journey, especially for the folks at the ESRB. (Just a warning: despite our best efforts, given the subject matter, some of the content described might be considered NSFW. Read on at your own risk.)

Posted by Joystiq Sep 25 2009 21:20 GMT
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"Well, you know, I do think Dante would approve of our game. He was a man ahead of his time," supposed a Dante's Inferno developer about Dante Alighieri, author of 14th-century epic poem the Divine Comedy; the first part, Inferno, serving as the game's source material ... in theory.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 24 2009 15:05 GMT
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While the PS3/360 game is largely criticized for being exactly like God of War, we could only wish the same held true for the PSP version of Dante's Inferno. Developed by A2M, the PSP version falls short of every benchmark set by Ready at Dawn's critically acclaimed Chains of Olympus. While few developers have been able to wring such incredible power out of Sony's handheld, it's immediately clear that A2M's efforts fall flat. Whereas Chains of Olympus featured volumetric fog and dynamic lighting, Dante's Inferno looks dull and lifeless.The console versions of Dante's Inferno do a remarkable job of copying Kratos' moves, button for button. The PSP game also does a copycat job: everything, from the standard strike, to the spin move, to the dodge, is mapped exactly according to the blueprint laid out by Sony. However, a good game requires more than just copying another game's controls. Dante's Inferno misses the flourishes that made Ready at Dawn's game so successful: visual flourishes, subtle pauses when striking, dynamic camera movement, and easily accessible finishing moves.