Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Message Board older than one year ago

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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 'Reverie' DLC released 'in error' on PSN
David Cox, producer on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, has been all over Twitter recently, responding to complaints about the DLC delay. When he was asked by one disgruntled European gamer wondering why the Xbox 360 delay was holding up the Reverie DLC o... posted by Joystiq Apr 01 2011 01:30 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 'Reverie' DLC delayed for Xbox 360
We just did a double take when we heard that Konami has delayed its "Reverie" DLC for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow -- hadn't we heard this before? We had ... just one month ago when the add-on, originally slated to arrive in February, was delayed until... posted by Joystiq Mar 30 2011 19:55 GMT
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow DLC Dated
It’s been a long time since our last news bit on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and its impending DLC releases, so here’s a refresher. Back in 2010, Konami promised that two additional content packs would hit the game in 2011. “Reverie,” the first p... posted by Giant Bomb Mar 17 2011 19:47 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 'Reverie' DLC dated March 30 for Europe
Silly heroes, the problem with defeating the little bad guys is that they're usually keeping a bigger baddie in check. This will be Gabriel Belmont's "Reverie" revelation when the Lords of Shadow DLC becomes available on March 30 in Europe. Checking in... posted by Joystiq Mar 16 2011 07:10 GMT
Reverie DLC Trailer
Konami teases their Reverie downloadable content for Lords of Shadow, set to provide a new playable character!
posted by GameTrailers Mar 15 2011 19:45 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow wins best original game score from Film Music Critics
The Oscars still haven't deigned to give awards out to video game creators, but the International Film Music Critics' Association is much more open-minded. In among their awards given out this past week was a "Best Original Score for a Video Game or In... posted by Joystiq Feb 27 2011 17:00 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 'Reverie' DLC delayed until March
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow's "Reverie" DLC, originally set to be released this month, has slipped into March according to an announcement on the Castlevania Facebook page. "Our apologies for the delay but it's going to be worth it!" That "unruly evil" t... posted by Joystiq Feb 17 2011 15:00 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow screens slip into Reverie
The first screens of "Reverie," next year's first downloadable add-on for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, depict Gabriel Belmont co-operating with Laura, the big-haired brat living in Carmilla's castle. She'll help you -- if you play. posted by Joystiq Dec 24 2010 01:20 GMT
Castlavania: Lords Of Shadow Whips Up A Double Dose Of DLC
#dlc Castlevania: Lords of Shadow left many unanswered questions lingering after the credits rolled, and Konami plans on answering them with a double dose of downloadable content coming next year to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. More » posted by Kotaku Dec 22 2010 17:00 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 'Reverie' and 'Resurrection' DLC due in 2011
Ready to return to the castle? Konami has finally detailed the long-promised DLC packs for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. The first download pack, entitled "Reverie," sees protagonist Gabriel aiding Laura (the creepy mini-Winehouse you see above) in "des... posted by Joystiq Dec 22 2010 15:35 GMT
Konami ships 1 million Castlevania: Lords of Shadow copies, coy about sales
Konami has announced the apparent milestone shipment of one million copies of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow to retailers across the US and Europe since the game's October 5 release. While the publisher didn't specify just how many of those copies have act... posted by Joystiq Nov 23 2010 02:00 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow PS3 patch live
Now that PSN is back in working order, we're happy to inform you that the patch for the PS3 version of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is online. It would be a really good idea to install it, too, considering that it addresses the random loss of your save da... posted by Joystiq Oct 29 2010 15:55 GMT
Konami Releases Patch for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Save issues addressed and upgrades added with all new patch for critically acclaimed Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. posted by IGN Oct 28 2010 17:13 GMT
Metal Gear Solid 4 Bundled with Castlevania and PS3 in Japan
Yes, this actually does make some amount of sense. posted by IGN Oct 26 2010 19:05 GMT
Castlevania And Metal Gear Solid 4 Get A PS3 Bundle... Together!
#onlyinjapan Konami has already released a special PS3 bundle for Metal Gear Solid 4. This new bundle isn't so special. But hey, it's got Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. More » posted by Kotaku Oct 26 2010 08:00 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow PS3 patch incoming
These are dark times -- if you're paranoid about losing hours of game progress. Some users have reported an unusual save glitch in the PlayStation 3 version of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Affected players report being prompted with a message upon start... posted by Joystiq Oct 14 2010 01:20 GMT
Konami Unveils New Facebook Application for Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow
A bad night for a Facebook application. posted by IGN Oct 12 2010 15:00 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Facebook game lets you combat cross your friends
Hey, do you like to zap helpless humans with lightning? Then you're probably a super villain. Cool -- and we've got the perfect Facebook game for you: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Friend Challenge. Seriously, it's all about zapping helpless people ... an... posted by Joystiq Oct 12 2010 10:00 GMT
Review: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
#videogames Gabriel Belmont will have his revenge upon the Lords of Shadow, venturing to the very depths of hell to find retribution against those who have corrupted the ideals of the Brotherhood of Light ... posted by Kotaku Oct 12 2010 03:00 GMT
Konami bundles downloadable Castlevanias with Japanese Lords of Shadow special edition
Hideo Kojima as the Chupacabra isn't the only advantage the Japanese version of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow has over its worldwide contemporaries. Those who purchase the special edition in Japan will also have their choice of downloadable Vanias as bonus... posted by Joystiq Oct 12 2010 03:30 GMT
A Tasty Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Easter Egg
#easteregg What dark secret was worth this deceased knight's life? He bears a message regarding the very nature of truth, as it pertains to certain comestibles. I speak no lie when I tell you there are sp... posted by Kotaku Oct 12 2010 00:00 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Getting Sequel
Game's composer reportedly let slip new game. posted by IGN Oct 11 2010 16:49 GMT
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Sequel In The Works
#sequel With last week's Castlevania: Lords of Shadow pulling in pretty solid reviews, the composer of the game's score outs a sequel already under construction at developer MercurySteam. More » ... posted by Kotaku Oct 11 2010 16:20 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow UK Review
Something to get your teeth into. posted by IGN Oct 07 2010 17:30 GMT
Metareview: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Now that you've read our review of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow -- you have, haven't you? -- let's find out what other outlets thought of the series' latest stab at a 3D interpretation. Turns out, it would seem there are some issues reconciling this as a... posted by Joystiq Oct 07 2010 02:30 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow review: Miracle whip
Perhaps you're just not as bothered by basic home security when you've harnessed sinister, otherworldly energies and have a legion of vampires at your command. Who's going to march into the Lord of Shadow's spooky castle and tell him, "Sir, leaving the k... posted by Joystiq Oct 07 2010 00:10 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow CE delayed in Europe
What a horrible time to have pre-ordered the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow limited edition in Europe! Eurogamer reports that the limited edition has been delayed in the region. Retailer GAME initially tweeted that the LE had been canceled altogether, thou... posted by Joystiq Oct 06 2010 23:50 GMT
What Do You Want To Know About Castlevania: Lords of Shadow?
#feedback Konami's new take on the Castlevania franchise has arrived. We're now in the process of reviewing developer Mercury Steam and Kojima Productions' new action-adventure game and want to know what y... posted by Kotaku Oct 06 2010 19:40 GMT
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Hits PS3 Today, Celebrate with Boss Battles
Not long ago, Konami Producer Dave Cox dropped by the PlayStation.Blog to set up the premise of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, a re-imagining of the classic whip-cracking, vampire-slaying series PlayStation fans know and love. In many ways, Lords of Shadow... posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 05 2010 19:28 GMT
Konami Announces Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow is Now Available
Rebirth of one of Konami's most storied franchises comes to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 for the first time ever. posted by IGN Oct 05 2010 16:36 GMT