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weedlord bonerhitler's board older than one year ago

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posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 06 2010 19:40 GMT
Fallen Shade
seen this a few months back, excellency at it's finest
So, stream seems to be working pretrty well.
Will probably do a public test tonight at some undecided time. Will probably stream Sweet Sweetback's Badassssss Song because its pretty much the best movie ever. Yea.   Also popple sucks D:
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 06 2010 18:56 GMT
weedlord bonerhitler
and no pretry was not a typo. not at all.
pops nig stream nig pops nig
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 06 2010 03:52 GMT
Fallen Shade
I talked to him on Steam an hour ago, he didn't directly come out and say this but he pretty much implied he was to much of a fag to go forth and steam tonight.
This guy's reviews are bad and he should feel bad
http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps2/516587-kingdom-hearts/reviews/review-64573 Comparing Kingdom Hearts to Mario 64? REALLY?
gamefaqs.com posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 05 2010 05:12 GMT
Did they outsource to IGN just to write this tripe?
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 04 2010 08:29 GMT
youtube is so terrible lets find a new video uploading website and make it popular
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 03 2010 00:23 GMT
Fallen Shade
Thats why we keep this underground
So, started playing Fat Princess again.
Forgot how damn cash it is
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 01 2010 22:17 GMT
1 Like?
I still haven't bought this game...
Whatever happened to Fat Tuper?
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 30 2010 08:21 GMT
Fallen Shade
He probably left without trying to get used to the layout like the rest of the fags that claim they left for that reason
Goddammit Masterlinx
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 30 2010 03:08 GMT
Fallen Shade
Also is it wrong I expected him to damage boost with the bullet bill?
R.I.P. Dennis Hopper
Danm, wish the full scene was uploaded.
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 30 2010 01:06 GMT
Rest In Peace Bowser...
Just started playing Galaxy 2 like a minute ago. Bowser is a lot cooler this time
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 29 2010 18:50 GMT
weedlord bonerhitler
Yeah but he kidnapped her with the sole intention of having her bake him a cake.
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 28 2010 20:14 GMT
10 hours ago? I thought he was still on life support until just a while ago. Oh well, whatever. Are they going to bury him at the Staples Center with MJ?
oh shit 242nd star discovered.
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 27 2010 12:47 GMT
Fallen Shade
*crag* yeah Rosalina as a personal cum dumpster
Thinking about picking up Galaxy 2 and 3d dot heroes later.
Any reasons not to?
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 23 2010 19:26 GMT
Lord Crump
@Cup of Peace: are you retarded, son
Sonic costumes out for LBP DLC. Too bad they kinda suck. . .
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Mar 27 2010 16:56 GMT
I just want the Eggman mustache.
digime tonight
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Mar 07 2010 00:51 GMT
Should flavio get WKC or MAG?
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Feb 20 2010 19:54 GMT
weedlord bonerhitler
okay flavio will get MAG.
second worst thing retsupurae ever
jesus christ this is only beat by the pizza bite video
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Feb 08 2010 02:16 GMT
Tails Doll
or queeniez
flav and gorn have hario's msn guys
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Feb 03 2010 01:37 GMT
Fallen Shade
also *crag* you again nas
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Feb 03 2010 01:37 GMT
1 1 Like?
so flavio's used psp came in the mail. It's in decent enough shape, but it didn't come with a power chord. D:
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jan 30 2010 02:00 GMT

Enjoy your power chord.


So The Who's playing at the super bowl halftime
this will probably be the only time flavio will bother with football shit
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jan 25 2010 00:54 GMT
"The Who"