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weedlord bonerhitler's board older than one year ago

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Told ya lemons are sexy
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 04 2011 18:49 GMT
Fallen Shade
I demand to see life's manager
Vid make rainbow text
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 04 2011 16:25 GMT
this would be amazing
The Simurgh and the Eagle
Literarily speaking, what might be derived from the notion of a being composed of other beings, a bird, say, made up of birds? Thus formulated, the problem appears to allow for merely trivial, if not actively unpleasant, solutions. One might suppose its...
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 03 2011 18:18 GMT
weedlord bonerhitler

The first is in Canto XVIII of the Paradiso. In his journey through the concentric heavens, Dante observes a greater happiness in Beatrice's eyes and greater power in her beauty, and realizes that they ahve ascended from the ruddy heaven of Mars to the heaven of Jupiter. In the broader arc of this sphere, where the light is white, celestial creatures sing and fy, successively forming the letters of the phrase DILIGITE IUSTITIAM and the shape of an eagle's head, not copied from earthly eagles, of course, but directly manufactured by the Spirit. Then the whole of the eagle shines forth: it is composed of thousands of just kings. An unmistakable symbol of Empire, it speaks with a single voice, and says "I" rather than "we" (Paradiso XIX 11). An ancient problem vexed Dante's conscience: Is it not unjust of God to damn, for lack of faith, a man of exemplary life who was born on the bank of the Indus and could know nothing of Jesus? The Eagle answers with the obscurity appropriate to a divine revelation: it censures such foolhardy questioning, repeats that faith in the Redeemer is indispensable, and suggests that God may hae instilled this faith in certain virtuos pagans. It avers that among the blessed are the Emperor Trajan and Ripheus the Trojan, the former having lived just after and the latter before the cross. (Though resplentdent in the fourteenth century, the Eagle's appearance is less effective in the twentieth, which generally reserves glowing eagles and tall, fiery letters for commercial propoganda. CF. Chesterton, What I Saw in America, 1922.)

Official Digibutter Maplestory Thread
big info post coming soon for now here's the basic shit *crag*ing download Maplestory All characters on Broa. we might move onto Bellocan at some point but for now everything is going to be Broa If you want to protroll then make a Mechanic (resi...
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 29 2011 02:14 GMT
I miss the old Aqua Teen Hunger Force opening
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Jun 01 2011 02:37 GMT
That show is still going?
No stream this weekend
Once again, shit has come up.   BUT DON't WORRY, THE DAY WILL COME AND WE WILl RISE UP AGAINST OUR ROBOTIC OPRES- wait no not at all There will be double streams this week. One on Monday and one on Wednesday. there thats short and simple
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 29 2011 01:34 GMT
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Fallen Shade
posted by MM Feb 09 2011 22:52 GMT
6 4 Like?


New Video Game Dudes
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 25 2011 21:29 GMT
dat watermelon
Terraria four pack. Popple chooses who it goes to.
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 22 2011 17:57 GMT
Flavio has to give it to people first.
Is Giantbomb literally autistic? How the *crag* can they not understand the joke behind The Best Gamers. Its *crag*ing amazing.
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 21 2011 16:41 GMT
Because like half the people on the forum can't take a joke ever.
I don't even know why they go there.
Tomorrow's stream dogz
Pretend there is a really cool image here that I was not too lazy to make.   Schedule Starts at 12:30 PST Seinfeld-S7E17-"The Doll" Bobobo-S1E3-"Wacky Quacker Cooks His Own Goose" Bobobo-S1E4-"Bababa-ba Ba-baba! The Honorable King Nosehair"...
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 21 2011 03:08 GMT
weedlord bonerhitler
Looks like M*A*S*H won't be finished by noon, so that is officially the show that will be replaced if I can get Nichijou.
Two episodes of Bobobo is a bit much, but I want to try and get through them.
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 15 2011 23:34 GMT
holy *crag* that was great
j-tv.me posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 15 2011 00:01 GMT
Stream rescheduled for 5PM PST.
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 14 2011 19:38 GMT

becuase I was at my dads house

Flavio's Super Secret Butt Fun Sexy Saturday Pizza Brunch Cafe Monologue Stream
[img] Since we all know popple is a HUGE FAGGOT who can not do a single thing right, and apparently now hates his friends and anime and pretty much everything else, Flavio is now the *crag*in head mother*crag*in honcho of this shit.   And gentlem...
posted by weedlord bonerhitler May 13 2011 05:51 GMT
weedlord bonerhitler
New schedule posted
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Apr 30 2011 14:22 GMT
you would, wouldn't you
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Apr 20 2011 03:52 GMT
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it used to be pretty damn cool, now it's just one of those things that y'keep track of but you really don't have that much interest for, save for some major updates
Three new SBAHJs
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Apr 22 2011 22:07 GMT

also pretty coo', it was only like two comics though

New album
homestuck.bandcamp.com posted by weedlord bonerhitler Apr 15 2011 03:44 GMT
mixing them hurts my ears
Capcom has no interest in releasing AAI or PLvPW in the US. *crag*.
posted by weedlord bonerhitler Apr 12 2011 13:29 GMT
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