El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron Message Board

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Posted by Lord Crump May 24 2012 16:27 GMT
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play it; you'll be tripping balls, man

Fallen Shade

Gameplay looks cool, I don't know where these aesthetics you're talking about are at though.

Posted by Kotaku Mar 16 2012 09:30 GMT
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#elshaddai In El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron you are guided by a pre-fall Lucifer who carries a cell phone with God on his speed dial. More »

Posted by Giant Bomb Nov 01 2011 14:00 GMT
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When the dust settles on 2011, it’s unlikely many will be arguing El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron was the best playing game this year, but it’ll be easy to make the case that it was one of the most striking. Every screen looks like a painting.

Of course, El Shaddai was overseen by acclaimed Okami and Devil May Cry character designer Takeyasu Sawaki.

“El Shaddai came about in a very interesting way,” said Sawaki in a recent email exchange. “Members of UTV Ignition’s London office first came up with the idea to create an action game based on the Book of Enoch, but they wanted the game to be developed in Japan.”

Like El Shaddai, Okami had an incredibly distinct look, one that made it instantly identifiable.

Ignition approached Sawaki about the idea, and asked him to become involved. Intrigued by the concept, he proposed being the project director--a first for him. El Shaddai started active development in 2007, and was released on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this past September.

Sure, El Shaddai hasn’t made the same impact as either Okami or Devil May Cry, but it’s received near universal acclaim for its looks, which are trippy, strange and distracting in the best way possible.

“When the process first started and I was reading the Book of Enoch, I actually thought the texts were boring!” he told me. “But creating the Tower of Babel level structure allowed for endless possibilities for design and variety. Since the game launched we have seen people write about how each level looks like it could have come from a different game--which is what we wanted to achieve.”

Its meaning is debated, but El Shaddai is often literally translated as “God Almighty.” And while El Shaddai is based upon the biblical apocrypha The Book of Enoch, the adaptation plays fast and loose with the events depicted within.

In the game, one of the main characters, Enoch, is often found talking to God on his cell phone. El Shaddai continues a long tradition of Japanese video games, especially true regarding RPGs, having little problem layering religion into the narrative.

We don't really see in the West, but even in this case, the game isn’t meant to be especially religious, as Sawaki isn’t.

“I have no specific religion, but I always strongly feel that this world is not everything,” he said. “I believe in a ‘voice inside’ and ‘intuition.’ In Japan, we often view religion as more of a spectrum of beliefs and philosophies, but I was very conscious about the themes I was working with throughout the El Shaddai’s development.”

Xenogears' story is crazy, but you can't accuse the game of being afraid of touchy subjects.

Sawaki figures that’s why many Western games avoid religion.

“People in Japan typically describe themselves as following multiple belief systems and philosophies,” he continued, “whereas other regions of the world more strictly adhere to one particular religion. I believe this causes sensitivities on the topic of religion that does not happen here in Japan. That may explain why it is more ‘taboo’ in Western cultures than in Japan.”

You can’t make a game with religious themes without having given the subject some serious thought, however, and Sawaki admitted the subject has given him some pause, influencing the game’s look.

“Sometimes in my dreams I see what I think to be the afterlife,” he said. “Dreams I have had inspired some of the looks in El Shaddai.”

The game was designed with some narrative gaps that Sawaki is currently hoping to fill; he’s writing a novel that will expand on some of the side stories mentioned in the game. This could also feed into “further brand extensions,” but Sawaki was unwilling to talk about what else he was working on.

He also waived away the notion that El Shaddai’s sometimes heavier themes were a reflection of his own aging process.

“I will say that like Enoch, we are all faced with difficult choices in our lives and we want to believe we made the right ones,” he said. “That is human nature. However, the reality is someone like Lucifel,’ who views with third person’s eyes, realizes better than you.”

If you're tired of yet another military shooter, you can't get more different than El Shaddai. Seek it out.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 26 2011 18:00 GMT
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Amazon's Deal of the Day discounts El Shaddai, dropping the price to a one-day-only $36.99. If you have yet to see the most beautiful game this year, or the one in which a pre-fall devil has his most prominent role ever, well, consider yourself tempted.

The retailer has also updated its Deals of the Week, which are pretty interesting this time. Deus Ex is $39.99 on Xbox 360 or PS3 all week (the Augmented Edition is $50); Dungeon Siege 3 is $29.99 on Xbox 360 and PS3, and $19.99 on PC; and Dead Island is $45.99 on Xbox and PS3, and 36.99 on PC. Next time you're considering buying a new game, remember that it takes less than a month for it to go on sale at Amazon!

Posted by Joystiq Sep 15 2011 18:55 GMT
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Ignition's bizarre but beautiful action game, El Shaddai, is visiting Earth once again in an Android incarnation. Famitsu has the first screens of the game currently called ... El Shaddai Ascension of the Metatron Android Version.

While the original game had both 2D platforming and 3D action segments, the mobile version is strictly 2D -- but the screens show that it keeps the distinctive visual style(s) from the console release. The two screens show locations found in the first game.

It'll be released in Japan at a date to be announced, through GMO's market. An Xperia Play version is also planned.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 24 2011 14:00 GMT
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#elshaddai In a little over five minutes, I can show you why people who play the strangely-named video game El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron rave about its graphics. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 18 2011 22:00 GMT
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#elshaddai With a striking art style and a story based off of an ancient Jewish religious work, Ignition's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is the sort of game that could go in any direction review-wise. As it turns out, it did. More »

Posted by IGN Aug 16 2011 18:24 GMT
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Marina Del Rey, Calif. - UTV Ignition Games proudly announced today that El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is now available at retail stores across North America for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft...

Posted by Joystiq Aug 16 2011 14:00 GMT
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When I started playing El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron for review, I told myself I wasn't going to be fooled by the visuals. I would evaluate this game based on its mechanics more than anything, and I wouldn't let form distract me from function.

I abandoned that idea quickly.

For one thing, visuals are a part of the experience, and must be considered. For another thing, this game is beautiful, to the point that they justify the game on their own as a form of digital tourism. You must see this game -- and, since those graphics support one of the more mechanically interesting action games in recent memory, you should probably play it too.

Posted by IGN Aug 16 2011 09:01 GMT
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For better or for worse, it's always nice to see a developer try something truly different. El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is one such attempt. It's a third-person, story-driven action game that depends upon a unique setting and an interesting graphical flair to grab the gamer and pull him...

Posted by IGN Jul 29 2011 23:31 GMT
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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron has been in development for some time. And it was delayed right before it was to come out in July. Now, it's on a trajectory to come out this August. But just what is El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron? And what can you expect when you finally get your hands on the game? Keep reading to find out...

Posted by Giant Bomb Jul 27 2011 17:57 GMT
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Things have not been going swimmingly at Ignition Entertainment of late. Since Indian entertainment conglomerate UTV's purchase of the UK publisher, Ignition has gone on to lay off hundreds of staffers and close down nearly all of its internal development teams, with the expressed purpose of solely focusing on publishing games developed by external studios.

We don't know if this will have any effect on El Shaddai, but it doesn't exactly inspire hope for a smooth release.

Now that whole plan may be tossed asunder, as news comes (courtesy of Develop) that Disney has put in a bid for UTV. Disney is already the largest shareholder in UTV's various media operations, with a 50.4% stake in the company. Now, it's looking to pony up the $454 million necessary to simply own the company outright.

Disney's primary interest in UTV is, well, pretty much everything except its gaming division. UTV is extremely successful in India's film and television market, and is clearly interested in breaking off a bigger piece of that Bollywood action.

This marriage of convenience between two major media powers seemingly leaves Ignition as the unfortunate stepchild of a new daddy that previously stood accused of killing its own video gaming children. Disney has been making its own moves to excise "core gaming" studios like Black Rock and Propaganda in recent months, shifting its focus toward social/casual games, which puts Ignition in a rather deadly position. So it really is pretty much just the plot of The Stepfather. Either the 1986 or 2009 version. Your pick.

Coming on the heels of the news regarding the delay of Ignition's sole upcoming major console release, El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, into August, this all does seem to put a bit of a dark cloud over both Ignition's future, and any potential push El Shaddai may have been set to receive. Given that game's Biblical (albeit non-canonical) leanings, if possible, Ignition may want to just get that game out on store shelves as soon as humanly possible. Disney does not have a particularly great track record of releasing products under its various media labels that garner even a hint of controversy.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 24 2011 15:30 GMT
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Despite having been delayed until August 16, angelically-oriented and biblically-based action platformer El Shaddai: Ascension Of The Metatron is still very much alive, kickin' around the Heavens in its designer jeans and gleaming white armor.

To prove as much, Ignition Entertainment has released a new cinematic trailer during this year's Comic-Con, which has been stuffed to the rafters with gooey tentacle angels, stained-glass platforming and futuristic motorcycle chases. Still no word on an Amy Grant Collector's Edition, but we'll keep digging.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 18 2011 22:15 GMT
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Your faith in the official North American release date for El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is about to be shaken. Ignition Entertainment's New Business Development Director Shane Bettenhausen confirmed the shift in date from July 26 to August 16 in a statement to Joystiq, citing "unforeseen logistical issues." The September 1 release in Europe is still on track. Bettenhausen apologized for the "minor delay."

Looking on the bright side (which is bright only for us), we suddenly find ourselves with much more time to complete our review, which is nice. For us.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 17 2011 02:00 GMT
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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is officially scheduled for release July 26, 2011, but it seems Amazon and GameStop have their own schedule, both listing its release as August 16, 2011. Considering El Shaddai has been in development since 2007 and has been delayed once already, perhaps the retailers are just assuming here.

We have contacted Ignition for confirmation of El Shaddai's release, or even just a date for when it will release information about a new release date, if that's Metatron enough for you.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

Posted by Joystiq Jul 09 2011 20:00 GMT
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During last weekend's Anime Expo 2011, Ignition Entertainment showed off the PSN/XBLA demo of El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron to an anime-hungry crowd of convention-goers and cosplayers. Shane Bettenhausen, Ignition's Director of Business and Marketing, told Gamer Gaia that Ignition "always knew [El Shaddai] was going to be divisive, because the graphics are so abstract." He went on to say that Anime Expo's reaction was more receptive than the mixed bag of emotions he encountered at this year's E3, claiming that anime fans are "more willing to take more of a chance on things that are a little different and refreshing."

Bettenhausen doesn't think, however, that the title's Judeo-Christian origins will cause similar problems: "We actually wanted to take this text and treat it in a new way, to give it to a team in Japan that doesn't have any connection to that. They're not religious in that way, so they could treat it as just mythology and create a new graphical style and a new gameplay style." He hopes El Shaddai will avoid the negative connotation usually given to other biblically themed games, which he feels were created "just to try and sell" religion.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 25 2011 23:30 GMT
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Just as El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is very loosely based on the apocryphal Book of Enoch, some lesser-known works from the Book of Amazon.com have been discovered related to the game.

For example, if you read this page in the sacred and infinite website, you'll learn the previously undiscovered commandment "If thou pre-order El Shaddai, thou shalt receive $10 in promotional credit." El Shaddai (and your emailed Holy Relic of $10) will be out July 26. Let us celebrate the happy news of free money in the traditional manner: by studying Amazon intensely to find more things to buy.

Posted by Joystiq Jun 24 2011 23:50 GMT
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Eccentric, unapologetically angelic action game El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will debut on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 next month, and make for a strange conclusion to Ignition Games' internally developed lineup. The company will move forward with a new studio based in Marina Del Rey, California, and shift its focus to publishing games and seeking out more partnerships with independent developers. From an announcement this morning: "In order to facilitate shifting the publishing focus to more effectively work with innovative independent developers and explore new platform possibilities, Ignition Games has taken the strategic decision not to continue with internal development of games."

New Business Development Director, Shane Bettenhausen, also confirmed a round of layoffs at Ignition's Austin location, which excised an internal console development team working on a unannounced project. According to a Gamasutra report, "around 15" people are believed to have been let go. We're told the status of the studio's first-person shooter, Reich, remains unchanged from when it was last mentioned (and said to be alive).

Ignition's externally sourced range of games -- including an upcoming 3DS version of twin-screen platformer Fractured Soul -- should remain intact while the company slides out of its development jeans.

Posted by IGN Jun 13 2011 19:08 GMT
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Los Angeles - UTV Ignition Games today announced at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) that a playable demo for the stunning upcoming action title, El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, is now available for download on Xbox LIVE Arcade for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from M...

Posted by Joystiq Jun 08 2011 17:20 GMT
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After Japanese audiences have enjoyed an El Shaddai demo for quite some time now, North American games can finally get a taste of Namco's upcoming action title. The demo is available now via Xbox Live Marketplace for Gold Members.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 07 2011 21:36 GMT
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UTV Ignition's gorgeous action game doesn't come out until July 26, but you can play it right now in the form of a downloadable demo for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It's like getting an E3 present! More »

Posted by IGN Jun 03 2011 16:41 GMT
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Marina Del Rey, CA - UTV Ignition Games today announced the awe-inspiring action adventure title El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will be available in North America on July 26, 2011 [September 9 in EU]. Following a wildly successful launch in the game's native Japan at the end of April, gamers...

Posted by Kotaku May 23 2011 19:00 GMT
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#thedevil Lucifer is charming in what is probably his biggest video game appearance of the year. He's a pal. He's smooth. He calls God on a cell phone. He wears fashionable jeans. More »

Posted by Joystiq May 15 2011 17:35 GMT
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In a missive late this week from UTV Ignition, a handful of new screens for El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron were revealed. Among the shots are locations not yet seen in the game's pseudo-religious world, depicting the game's protagonist Enoch on his journey up the Tower of Babel through varying degrees of surrealist world design.

If that weren't enough, a whole mess of photos from El Shaddai's Japanese launch event this past week were also included. Yes, that means there are at least a few scantily clad models repping the game in the gallery below, but it also means you get another look at those incredible designer jeans. And who could say no to that?

Posted by IGN May 13 2011 20:48 GMT
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The U.S. government has finally validated video games as art, but it remains rare for someone self-identified as an artist to create a video game. El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is unique in this way. The work of Sawaki Takeyasu, who previously worked as an artist on Okami and Devil May Cry, ...

Posted by Joystiq May 02 2011 14:30 GMT
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A 2007 video of a prototype version of El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (after the break) reveals a remarkably clear vision for the project. Even that far back, a lot of elements that remain intact in the new version were in place: Enoch, in his white armor and jeans (and a face like Brad Pitt), fighting enemies with arc-shaped weapons; Lucifel, looking kind of smug and telling a story against a black background, as the words fly by on the screen; and even a battle on the backdrop of a giant hand.

The enemies and areas weren't quite as abstract-looking in this video, made for a presentation within Ignition. The name hadn't been finalized yet, either: it was called "Angelic: Ascension of the Metatron" back then.

Unlocking the video required a password, presumably found within the game -- luckily, someone in Japan just uploaded it to YouTube for us.

Posted by Kotaku May 02 2011 07:00 GMT
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#watchthis El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron wasn't always called that. It was once called Angelic: Ascension of the Metatron, with "once" being a few years ago. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 14 2011 13:30 GMT
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Would you like to experience Ignition's visually stunning action game, El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, before its still-undated Western release? It's okay. No problem. Just sign into that Japanese PSN account you made for the Catherine demo, and you'll find a shiny new El Shaddai demo waiting for you in the PlayStation Store. Andriasang reports that it's on Xbox Live as well, for Gold members only through April 20.

In a tweet, Ignition suggested that the demo "won't be up for long." So, unless you have the time-traveling abilities of Lucifel, you should get on it right now. Unfortunately, you can't use your Japanese PSN account to access the "pop-up" El Shaddai cafe in Tokyo.

Posted by Joystiq Apr 14 2011 13:30 GMT
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Would you like to experience Ignition's visually stunning action game, El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, before its still-undated Western release? It's okay. No problem. Just sign into that Japanese PSN account you made for the Catherine demo, and you'll find a shiny new El Shaddai demo waiting for you in the PlayStation Store. Andriasang reports that it's on Xbox Live as well, for Gold members only through April 20.

In a tweet, Ignition suggested that the demo "won't be up for long." So, unless you have the time-traveling abilities of Lucifel, you should get on it right now. Unfortunately, you can't use your Japanese PSN account to access the "pop-up" El Shaddai cafe in Tokyo.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 14 2011 10:00 GMT
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#ascensionofthefood El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron not only has God on speed dial, in Japan, it's got its own cafe. More »