Final Fantasy Tactics Message Board

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Posted by Kotaku Feb 12 2014 17:00 GMT
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We're a little over two days away from the end of Unsung Story's Kickstarter campaign, and it's still not funded. That's kind of insane.Read more...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 28 2014 17:00 GMT
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Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians is an intriguing prospect despite its name also functioning as a dictionary of cliche fantasy words. It’s the vision of Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre creator Yasumi Matsuno, who played a huge role in popularizing turn-based tactics RPGs on consoles. Its Kickstarter has already soared to nearly $500,000 of its $600,000 goal, so things are looking up. However, developer Playdek has provided depressingly little concrete information, and a cursory reading of the Kickstarter gives the impression that Unsung Story will be a mobile game first and foremost. I got in touch with Playdek CEO Joel Goodman to find out whether or not the PC version will be a port, how the Kickstarter plays into that, how much Matsuno will be involved in actual development, and whether or not we need to worry about DRM. His answers could’ve been a bit more detailed, but oh well. Early days and all that. Go below for more. 


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 15 2014 12:00 GMT
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So, The Banner Saga. It’s pretty neat, huh? Well, contrary to popular belief, it didn’t invent grids, tactics, or even the concept of turns. I know, right? But, in a rather timely turn of events, one of the genre’s most well-known progenitors resurfaced today. Yasumi Matsuno was instrumental in popularizing the Japanese side of the turn-based tactical equation with console hits like Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics, and now he’s looking to do it again after more traditional role-players like Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy XII. Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians doesn’t really have much meat on its bones yet, but it at least sounds like its headed in the right direction. Also, it’s had such a huge mountain of money already dropped on it that I fear for the lives (though certainly not the livelihood) of its developers.


Posted by Kotaku Nov 08 2013 15:46 GMT
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Today in Kickstarters That Look Pretty Cool, here's Gridlock Tactics, a "biopunk" role-playing game whose creators say they were inspired by the likes of Final Fantasy Tactics and Disgaea.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Sep 19 2013 14:40 GMT
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It's called Unsung Story, and it'll come to digital platforms at some point next year.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku May 28 2013 10:20 GMT
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The design. The music. The turn-based RPG action. This trailer tells us that Tactics S has got everything its big (ie. non-mobile) brothers do, and social features. Then again, we know how All the Bravest turned out. Best be careful. Tactics S is out now for iOS/Android in Japan, with no word of a western release.

Posted by Kotaku Dec 07 2010 18:20 GMT
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#speakup In our first installment of the new daily Speak-Up on Kotaku, [ZTF]The Power shares his idea for an entirely new sort of massively multiplayer online role-playing game. More »