Assassin's Creed Revelations Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by IGN Oct 03 2011 18:18 GMT
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Assassin's Creed Revelations Creative Lead Alexandre Amacio has revealed that a new Assassin's Creed will release in 2012...

Posted by IGN Sep 29 2011 20:21 GMT
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Ubisoft has delayed the PC version of Assassin's Creed Revelations...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 29 2011 16:30 GMT
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Eurogamer are reporting that the PC version of the game will now appear 2nd December 2011, a couple of weeks behind the console versions. This comes as no surprise to anyone who has been following Ubisoft’s multiplatform releases over the past couple of years, many of which have been delayed on PC. But let’s not lose perspective over this: that’s actually an improvement over the many months it usually takes for the AC games to arrive on our humming machines.

There will probably some other new games to play that fortnight, I suppose…

Posted by IGN Sep 28 2011 16:48 GMT
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Admit it. You love killing your enemies in Assassin's Creed. You love the thrill of stalking a target along the rooftops before leaping down and stabbing the person in the throat with your hidden blade. Or perhaps you prefer a direct approach, challenging your enemy with your sword. Maybe you keep y...

Posted by IGN Sep 22 2011 22:49 GMT
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The Assassin's Creed franchise spans centuries, featuring numerous heroes, villains and a vast mythology that grows more and more complex with each passing game. But at its heart, the series is about three men and their quests to discover their destinies...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 22 2011 07:32 GMT
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The next Assassin’s Creed, Revelations, is once again going to have a fulsome multiplayer game for us to sink our concealed weapons into. And it’s beautiful, too. And stabby. For a taste of quite how stabby it’s worth taking a look at the trailer below. Goodness, that’s some stylish violence, yes sir. The game is apparently due for release on all formats on November 15th.(more…)

Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 20 2011 01:25 GMT
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Altair is coming back into the fold during Revelations to wrap up lingering mysteries.

If you pick up Assassin's Creed: Revelations for PlayStation 3 on November 15, in addition to having Ezio's final adventure, you'll have a copy of the original Assassin's Creed on the disc, too.

I was working for 1UP when Assassin's Creed came out. I'm not sure if you remember the EGM scores for that game, but it was all over the place. Some people loved it, others hated it, and it caused a bit of a thing for a while there.

Scared off by the mixed response, I ended up skipping over the first one, but then picking up Assassin's Creed II based on the incredible word of mouth--and loving it. I really dig the fiction, too, so it bothers me that I don't know the foundation from the first installment.

Given how far the mechanics jumped from the first game to the second game, however, I'm not sure heading back towards Assassin's Creed would be a very satisfying experience. What say you?

Posted by IGN Sep 08 2011 17:53 GMT
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Think you've got the singing chops to capture the raw, haunting, emotional magnitude of the Assassin's Creed franchise? Ubisoft wants to hear it...

Posted by IGN Sep 07 2011 20:10 GMT
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Back in August, we alerted you to the PlayStation Plus-exclusive Assassin's Creed Revelations beta which is now live on PlayStation Network. But today, Sony revealed that the beta will now be open for all PlayStation Network users beginning tomorrow, September 8th...

Posted by PlayStation Blog Sep 07 2011 19:30 GMT
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Hello Assassins,

Since the Assassin’s Creed Revelations Beta is going so well, at 10:00 am tomorrow (PST) we have decided to open it up to ALL PSN USERS!! The Beta is scheduled to end on the 11th of September, so get started on that download ASAP so you don’t miss even a moment of the action!


In the meantime, I suggest you give our Beta guide a once over so you’re fully prepared.

See you out there!

Posted by IGN Sep 02 2011 08:16 GMT
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The Assassin's Creed Revelations multiplayer beta is now available for download on the PSN. But it's only available to PlayStation Plus subscribers and PlayStation Uplay members...

Posted by IGN Aug 24 2011 18:26 GMT
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Update: We now have an updated version of the demo, complete with commentary from one of Revelations' producers. Ubisoft continues to unveil more and more information about Assassin's Creed Revelations' single-player as the game's November 15 launch date approaches. We've seen a couple major trailers released and heard some preliminary details about the adventure, but at Gamescom we finally had a chance to see an extended demo featuring both Ezio and Altair in action...

Posted by IGN Aug 19 2011 18:16 GMT
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Crowned with a small Post-it Bowser and Pikachu, a three sory Ezio Auditore adorns the windows of Ubisoft Paris...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 19 2011 07:19 GMT
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If you want to see the demonstration that was shown to journalists at Gamescom over the past couple of days then you need look no further than the crypt in the foundations beneath this post. Nine (count ‘em!) minutes of the next Assassin’s Creed game in action. There is snow, sneaking, and some stabbing. It looks lovely, but then I always think that about the AC games, and then I play them and oh.(more…)

Posted by Joystiq Aug 19 2011 01:30 GMT
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Unable to attend Gamescom this year? Well, you're not alone -- and thanks to the internet, you don't have to miss much beyond all of the people and smells and walking. The nine-minute demo above for Assassin's Creed: Revelations is one such thing you need not miss out on.

Now, it goes without saying (but we'll say it anyway) that this video may contain spoilers. So hit that play button at your own risk!

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 18 2011 16:01 GMT
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Heya PlayStation Assassins! Gamescom, the world’s largest trade fair for interactive games and entertainment, has begun in Cologne, Germany. First off, on the show floor, the Assassin’s Creed Revelations booth will feature EIGHT gaming pods equipped with a new multiplayer build. This will be the very first time we’re showing this build to the public, and it will be the first time anyone outside of exclusive members of the press can get their hands on the all new Deathmatch mode! And don’t worry if you can’t wedge your way to the front of the line for multiplayer at our booth, because we’ll also have four additional multiplayer pods at the PlayStation booth to ensure that everyone at the show gets a chance to enjoy a fully updated version of one of the most innovative multiplayer games on the market.

Can’t get to Germany on such short notice? Fear not, Assassins, because we’re also unveiling some all-new gameplay footage! We’re rolling out an all-new single-player gameplay trailer covering some fresh territory that we’ve only hinted at in previous coverage and further demonstrates Ezio’s use of the Hookblade in both combat and navigation… and don’t be surprised if you happen to see a certain LEGENDARY Assassin make an appearance!

You asked for more information on Assassin’s Creed Revelations, my beloved Assassins… well, prepare to reap the whirlwind!

Vittoria agli Assassini!

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 17 2011 15:57 GMT
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These Assassin’s Creed games are pretty popular huh? I’ve never got on with them particularly well to be honest, and as (to my knowledge) the only games journo out there who actually was an assassin in a past life, I think my opinion counts double. Still, who knows, perhaps Assassin’s Creed 4 (if they want me to stop coming will silly abbreviations they should revert to numbers) could be the one that wins my affections. Certainly this latest trailer has got oodles of nicely choreographed man-stabbing, and what look like a few new ways to get from A to B. Here’s Ezio & Altair doing what they do: (more…)

Posted by Giant Bomb Aug 11 2011 00:14 GMT
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Mostly everyone figured the multiplayer would be terrible in Brotherhood. Luckily, we were wrong!

If you'd like an early crack at stabbing dudes in the face with knives again, PlayStation 3's the platform of choice. Ubisoft will be beta testing Assassin's Creed: Revelations' multiplayer exclusively on PS3.

If you'll remember, the multiplayer beta for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was exclusive to PS3, too.

The beta kicks off on September 3 and ends on September 11 for both PlayStation Plus and Uplay members.

You'll gain access to nine characters (The Sentinel, The Vanguard, The Guardian, The Vizier, The Thespian, The Deacon, The Bombardier, The Trickster, The Champion) a total of three maps (Knight’s Hospital, Antioch, Constantinople) and four modes (Wanted, Manhunt, Deathmatch, Artifact Assault), which Ubisoft claims is just a "sample" of the content planned for the game.

Posted by IGN Aug 10 2011 17:20 GMT
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Today, Ubisoft revealed that Assassin's Creed Revelations will receive a multiplayer beta on the PlayStation Network as a "timed exclusive." Beginning on September 3rd, PlayStation Plus subscribers and Uplay members will be able to download the beta via the PSN...

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 10 2011 17:00 GMT
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Hey there PlayStation Assassins! Aren’t you LUCKY?! We have just announced that PlayStation Plus members get access to the Assassin’s Creed Revelations BETA on September 3rd! No, seriously, this is happening! Here is a quick glimpse of some of the things you can expect to experience in the ACR Beta (a much, much more detailed list that will be available on a special website we’re creating just for the Beta, but in the meantime, you can learn more in our forums.


Nine characters are available in the Beta which are all unlocked for your use at the outset. Though they share the same overall behavior, their animations differ and their ability sets are customizable. Available Characters include: The Sentinel, The Vanguard, The Guardian, The Vizier, The Thespian, The Deacon, The Bombardier, The Trickster and The Champion.



Three maps are available in the Beta and are all unlocked from the outset. Be sure to pay attention to their layouts in-game as these maps have been tuned to allow more strategy than those in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood (it’s easier to break line-of-sight, for example).

· Knight’s Hospital

· Antioch

· Constantinople


Four modes are available in the Beta and are all unlocked from the outset. Two of these modes are returning favorites from Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, while the other two are brand new modes designed in response to player feedback. Available Modes include: Wanted, Manhunt, Deathmatch (NEW), and Artifact Assault (NEW).


Eight Abilities are available in the Beta, but only some are available initially while others must be unlocked by increasing your rank. Although some Abilities return from Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, you may notice some slight tweaks resulting from player feedback. Available Abilities include: Tripwire Bomb (NEW), Closure (NEW), Disguise, Fire Crackers, Throwing Knives, Smoke Bomb, Poison and Morph.

Prepare yourselves Assassins… to go undercover into the very heart of Abstergo’s training grounds!

Posted by Joystiq Aug 09 2011 06:59 GMT
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Your Beanie Babies are in trouble, because Ezio Auditore da Firenze is coming to establish guild dominance all over your desk. NECA has posted images of its Assassin's Creed figures, which we first heard about last year. The ebony version of Ezio will be available exclusively at GameStop this October, while Toys R' Us will get a white, unhooded Ezio sometime this fall.

NECA also showed off an unpainted model of Ezio in Da Vinci's flying machine. Check out all the images in the gallery below.

Posted by GameTrailers Aug 02 2011 16:00 GMT
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Become a target with more capture the flag gameplay from Revelations!

Posted by GameTrailers Aug 02 2011 16:00 GMT
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Capture the flag comes to Assassin's Creed with Artifact Assault!

Posted by GameTrailers Aug 02 2011 16:00 GMT
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Try to not be obvious about who you're targeting in this deathmatch walkthrough.

Posted by GameTrailers Aug 02 2011 16:00 GMT
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Get a taste of hay in this deathmatch walkthrough.

Posted by GameTrailers Aug 02 2011 16:00 GMT
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Find your target and kill him--luckily, there are no skin replicates.

Posted by GameTrailers Aug 02 2011 16:00 GMT
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Play with the smoke bomb and breaker ability in this walkthrough.

Posted by IGN Aug 02 2011 16:00 GMT
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The Assassin's Creed franchise might not seem like it's suited for multiplayer gaming. It focuses heavily on story. Its gameplay mostly revolves around stealth and unconventional mission types. It often forces players to think calmly, to wait, plot and quietly take out targets rather than run-and-gu...

Posted by Kotaku Jul 22 2011 18:20 GMT
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#assassinscreed Between the old-school Animus interface and the Ubisoft Digital Arts watermark, I'm positive this video is leaked footage of something Assassin's Creed related, but what? More »

Posted by IGN Jul 18 2011 10:17 GMT
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Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has confirmed to Swedish site Aftonbladet (translated by Eurogamer) that the Assassin's Creed title for Wii U will not be a port of Revelations. When asked if Revelations was heading to Nintendo's new system, Guillemot replied, "No, not Revelations. For the future." ...